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Jotika H.M. Brig Badger Assembly Manual page 30

Nelson's first command


When you are happy with the fit of the main mast channels, they should be removed and fitted with two dome headed pins
(183) as per the fore mast channels. Again the position of the pins should be noted onto the hull, drilled and the channel
temporarily fitted.
The lower sheer rail is from 1.5x1.5mm walnut and runs from tight against the forward face of the stern fascia to tight against
the walnut stem. As previously stated the lower sheer rail is intersected by the channels and should be fitted bearing in mind
the following points:
The upper surface of the lower sheer rail will be flush with the lower edge of all of the gunports.
The lower sheer rail will be fitted in three separate lengths. The first will run from flush against the forward face
of the stern fascia to flush against the after face of the main mast channel. The second will run from flush against
the forward face of the main mast channel to flush against the after face of the fore mast channel. The third will
run from flush against the forward face of the fore mast channel to flush against the walnut stem.
Each length of the lower sheer rail will run parallel to the wale and, allowing for build differences, should be
3mm above the wale.
By running parallel to the wale, the forward end of the sheer rail will follow its natural run 'upward' at the bows
as shown on
When you are happy with the fit of the three lengths of the lower sheer rail they can be fitted to the model. The lower sheer rail
should be painted dull black at a time of your choosing.
The channels should now be removed and set safely aside until required at a later stage. (The channels should also be painted
dull black at a time of your choosing).
Hawse Holes:
The hawse holes are to be drilled (one per side) through the bulwarks with a 2mm drill. Using (Photo 051) for reference, they
are positioned as follows:
The hawse holes are directly below the centreline between the knighthead and first timberhead.
Their centre points are approximately 2mm above the lower sheer rail.
When you are happy with their positioning they can be drilled, taking care not to splinter the inner bulwarks.
Plan Sheet
Photo 049
Photo 051
2006 JoTiKa Ltd.
Photo 050



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