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Jotika H.M. Brig Badger Assembly Manual page 10

Nelson's first command


The second planking is laid using 1x4mm walnut, as always the planking should be soaked for a short period before being
required. The gluing of the second planking differs from the first as the whole under surface of the walnut strip is glued to the
surface of the first planking as well as edge to edge. Also, the best glue to use for the second planking is medium super glue.
This is to avoid the use of pins, eliminating pinholes that would have to be filled prior to finishing. Super glue will stick the
planks as well, if not better than, PVA wood glue. Around the bow area, where the walnut strip has been soaked in water, take
extra care – wet wood and super glue will bond more or less instantly! Great care is needed to attain as neat a job as possible to
minimise the need for filling.
Before progressing, taper the first planking from the bearding line aft as previously instructed on page 3, the effects of this
taper, for the first planking, can be seen in (Photos 011 & 013).
The first plank to be laid, of the second planking, should be positioned as shown on
vital measurements are as follows:
At the after end, the lower edge should be positioned 4mm above the lower edge of the gunport pattern.
Passing forward, the top edge of the plank will run 0.5mm below the seventh through to the second gunports.
At the bows the plank will begin to run upwards, following its natural lie, do not attempt to prevent this. Its top
edge will foul the bottom of the first gunport by approximately 1mm and continue its natural run flush into the
stem. Where this plank meets the stem, its top edge will be approximately 6mm below the top of the gunport
pattern (taking into account minor build differences). The area of this plank fouling the first gunport should be
Once this first walnut strip has been laid, a second plank should be laid directly beneath it. Neither of these first two planks
should be bevelled.
This second plank now fitted also forms the basis of the wale
directly onto this second plank. At a time of your choosing the wale should be painted dull black.
The second planking, below the wale, can now be continued with 1x4mm walnut. Work down the hull on alternative sides
when planking, until you reach the false keel. The same principles as applied to the first planking should be adhered to. The
planks which run vertically onto the after end of the stern extensions should be allowed to extend a short distance beyond the
after edge of the stern counter – this will then be trimmed back upon completion (Photo 016). The planking on the after
horizontal edge (underside of bulkhead 9) should form a flush fit to the stern counter planking (Photos 015 & 016). As with the
vertical planking at the stern extensions, the vertical planking at the after end of the keel should extend a short distance beyond
the after vertical edge of the keel – this will then be trimmed back upon completion of the planking to allow the stern post to be
fitted. This is best achieved while continually offering the stern post into position and adjusting accordingly.
Once the planking below the wale is completed, the area above the wale can be planked, remembering to clear the gunports as
you progress. The final plank laid will extend over the top upper edge of the gunport pattern and should be sanded back down
flush to the pattern (Photos 017 & 018).
Note: There is a small 'lip' directly above and behind gunport 6 which must be maintained (Photo 019).
As before, the after end of these planks should be allowed to extend just beyond the after edge of the gunport pattern and
trimmed back, together, upon completion.
The stern post should now be permanently fixed into position.
Second Planking and the Wale
Photo 017
. The wale is from 1.5x4mm walnut which should now be fitted
Photo 019
2006 JoTiKa Ltd.
Plan Sheet 1
(still 1x4mm walnut) the
Photo 018



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