Fixture Configuration - Sagitter QUIVER User Manual

Dmx controller
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General options window:
Default delay time: it's the default value of the 'Delay', when a new cue is created its delay
time is set at this value.
Default fade in time: it's the default value of the 'Fade-in', when a new cue is created its
fade-in time is set at this value.
Playback mode: it can be set as LTP or HTP. This setting affects the criterion for the
assignment of the HTP channels (typically the dimmer). When two or more cues belonging
to different cue list are challenging the control of the same HTP channel, if it's set as HTP
the priority is assigned to the higher value, if it's set as LTP the priority is assigned to the
most recent cue activated.
Input Mode: can be set as 'Percentage' or 'Raw'. This option simply changes the display of
attributes in the editor. If you choose the 'Percentage' option, the value is displayed in
percentage. If you choose the 'Raw' option, the value is displayed as a number between 0
and 255 for 8-bit parameters, while for the 16-bit parameters the values of the most
significant part and the least significant part separated by the character '.' are displayed.
RGB / Cmy palette sets: the console includes 4 sets of default palette, Chris, GAM, Lee, and
Rosco. This option allows you to select the set of palette available in the editor. In general,
it is possible to program the cue with a set of palette, change the current set and schedule
the remaining cues with the new set.
Unlock password: this is the password that must be entered each time you use the
'Console Lock' and 'Console Unlock' function.

Fixture configuration

This window has been conceived more for verification purposes than for modifying a fixture. We
suggest to not use it for modifying the fixture configuration, unless you are an expert user fully
acquainted of the effects of the modifications.
This window, recalled pressing its button in the Setup menu, allows to edit some settings of the
fixtures used in the current show. All the changes made through this window will affect all the
fixtures of the same type (for example: if the show contains 12 fixtures of Scroller type, so the
options shown are referred to the 'Scroller' typology, then they are applied to all Scrollers). All

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