Save A Cue/Group/Palette/Snapshot; Modify A Cue; Palette - Sagitter QUIVER User Manual

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The LED on the right show the selection state:
Off: the fixture or the group is not selected.
Red: the fixture or the group is selected.
Yellow: some fixtures belonging the groups are selected (valid only for the groups).
The 'Locate' button sets the selected fixtures in the 'locate' position, assigning a nominal value to
all the fixture' parameters (typically open dimmer, pan and tilt at 50%, etc.).
The 'Hilite' button opens temporarily the shutter and sets the dimmer at 100% for the selected
fixture, without inserting the correspondent values in the EDITOR. It is a useful function that
allows to create cues or palettes leaving the shutter and dimmer values as 'Empty', for example
aiming the pan and tilt.
IMPORTANT: typically, the programming of a cue begins setting all fixtures involved in 'Locate'
state. In an advanced use of the console could be necessary to program the cue leaving one or
more parameter values in the 'Empty' state.

Save a Cue/Group/Palette/Snapshot

When a scene is ready to be saved press the 'Store' switch and the LCD display will show the save
menu with the following options:
Save the EDITOR contents as a new palette ('Intensity', 'Pan/tilt', 'Color', 'Gobo', 'Prism'
and 'Blade' buttons).
Save the EDITOR contents as a new cue and queue it in the current register ('Cue' button).
Save the DMX outputs in a new cue and queue it in the current register ('Snapshot'
Save the selected fixtures as a new group ('Group' button).

Modify a cue

Pressing the 'Qlist' button in the EDITOR window, the current cue-list window appears on the
display. To modify a cue, you have first to load it in the EDITOR: select the cue to modify (the right
LED turns red), press the 'Load cue' button from the contextual menu. After you have modified the
cue just press the 'Update' button from the contextual EDITOR menu.


The palettes are preset memories that allows to speed up the programming. It is very useful to
arrange some pan–tilt palettes so that the aiming of the fixtures can be done very easily selecting
the desired fixture and then choosing the palette related to the position desired.
IMPORTANT: when a palette is modified, all cues that are related with it acquire the new values.
This is particularly convenient in case of itinerant shows, where on each date the light positions
need to be corrected.
Inside every show there are some palettes already stored: these are the palettes in the library files
and the color palettes usable by the fixtures with RGB or CMY color mixing systems. Besides these
pre-set palettes, you can create your own customizable palettes (up to a maximum of 999 palettes
per show). The current set of CMY can be chosen between Chris, Gam Lee, Rosco (in the 'General
options' window from the 'Setup' menu).

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