Air Heat Exchanger; Water Heat Exchanger Maintenance; Unit Maintenance; Refrigerant Volume - Riello NXHP Series Installation, Operation And Maintenance Instructions

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5.3 - Air heat exchanger

We recommend, that finned coils are inspected regularly to check 
the degree of fouling. This depends on the environment where the 
unit  is  installed,  and  will  be  worse  in  urban  and  industrial 
installations and near trees that shed their leaves.
For coil cleaning, two maintenance levels are used:
■ If the air heat exchangers are fouled, clean them gently in a 
vertical direction, using a brush.
■ Only work on air heat exchangers with the fans switched off.
■ For this type of operation switch off the HVAC unit if service 
considerations allow this.
■ Clean air heat exchangers guarantee optimal operation of your
HVAC  unit.  This  cleaning  is  necessary  when  the  air  heat 
exchangers begin to become fouled. The frequency of cleaning
depends on the season and location of the HVAC unit
(ventilated, wooded, dusty area, etc.).
Clean  the  coil,  using  appropriate  products.  We  recommend 
products for coil cleaning:
■ No. 00PSP000000115A: traditional cleaning method.
Never use pressurised water without a large diffuser. Do not
use high-pressure cleaners for Cu/Cu and Cu/Al coils.
Concentrated and/or rotating water jets are strictly forbidden.
Never use a fluid with a temperature above 45°C to clean the
air heat exchangers.
Correct and frequent cleaning (approximately every three
months) will prevent most of the corrosion problems.

5.4 - Water heat exchanger maintenance

Check that:
■ The insulating foam is intact and securely in place.
■ The BPHE and piping electric heaters are operating, secure 
and correctly positioned.
■ The  water-side  connections  are  clean  and  show  no  sign  of 

5.5 - Unit maintenance

Before any work on the unit ensure that the circuit is isolated
and there is no voltage present. Note that it may take 5 minutes
for the circuit capacitors to fully discharge after isolating the
circuit. After the 5 minutes, check that there are no of the
inverter LED are lit before working on the VFD. Only
appropriately qualified personnel are authorised to work on
the VFD.
In  case  of  any  alarm  or  persistent  problem  related  to  the  VFD, 
contact Service.
The VFDs fitted with NXHP units do not require an insulation test, 
even  if  being  replaced;  they  are  systematically  verified  before 
delivery. Moreover, the filtering components installed in the VFD 
can falsify the measurement and may even be damaged. If there
is a need to test the insulation of the unit components (fan motors 
and pumps, cables, etc.), the VFD must be disconnected at the 
power circuit.

5.6 - Refrigerant volume

The unit must be operated in cooling mode to find out, if the unit 
charge is correct, by checking the actual subcooling.
Following a small refrigerant leak a loss of refrigerant, compared 
to the initial charge will be noticeable in the cooling mode and affect 
the subcooling value obtained at the air heat exchanger (condenser) 
outlet, but it will not be noticeable in the heating mode.
It is therefore not possible to optimise the refrigerant charge
in the heating mode after a leak. The unit must be operated
in the cooling mode to check, if an additional charge is


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