Communications Menu - Ametek 7124 Instruction Manual

Precision lock-in amplifier
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turned ON, the Main Display output displays (see section 5.3.01) are set as follows:
Display Position
The available output time constant is restricted to the values in the range 500 µs to
10 ms inclusive, since it is only at these values that the noise measurements are
calibrated, and the Synchronous time constant control (section 5.3.06) is turned off
The output filter slope is also restricted to either 6 or 12 dB/octave.
When the noise measurement control is turned OFF then the instrument is configured
for normal lock-in amplifier operation.
This control, which is only active when the above NOISE MEASUREMENT control is
turned ON, sets the averaging time of the buffer used to determine the mean value of
the output signal when making noise measurements. Settings of Off, 1 s, 2 s, 3 s and
4 s can set using the adjacent
The operation of this control is described in more detail in section 3.3.23
Firmware version X.X
This line, immediately under the menu title, gives the version number of the
instrument's operating firmware. The firmware in the instrument can be updated to
the latest version by connecting it to a PC via the RS232 or USB interfaces and
running an Update program.
The key gives access to the Options Menu, which is used to install firmware options
within the instrument. It is discussed later in section 5.3.21
Configuration 2
This key gives access to the Configuration Menu 2, discussed later in section 5.3.22
Turn display off
Pressing this key turns off the display panel. Press any key to turn it back on.
Pressing the Previous Menu key returns control to the Main Menu 1
The Virtual Reference, Dual Reference, and Dual Harmonic modes are discussed
later in sections 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 respectively.

5.3.16 Communications Menu

When the Configuration menu is displayed, pressing the Communications key
accesses the Communications Menu, shown in figure 5-21.
Displayed Output
Noise expressed in V/Hz in large digits
Noise expressed in V/Hz as a bar-graph
X output in expressed as a percentage of the full-scale
sensitivity as a bar-graph
Magnitude output (R) output in expressed as a
percentage of the full-scale sensitivity in large digits.


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