Enter To User Settings Menu; Language Selection - Datcon PQRM5300 33 U I Series Instruction Manual

Three-phase power meter
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PQRM5300 33 Ux Ix xx xx (PS)
Entering to submenu
Submenu of User
settings menu
Sequence of operations 1. Log in the 6. User settings menu

7.2. Enter to User settings menu

Move with the  /  buttons in the Main menu, and
select the 6. User setting menu. Press the ENTE switch.
Submenu of 6. User settings menu:
• 6.1. English / Magyar
• 6.2. Screen settings
• 6.3. Edit user display 1
• 6.4. Edit user display 2

7.2.1 Language selection

In 6.1 English / Magyar menu you can select the language of
the device.
Default language is Magyar.
2. Choose the 6.1 English / Magyar menu of the 6. User
settings menu with  /  buttons, and press the ENTE
3. Select the languae in the 6.1.English / Magyar submenu
with  /  buttons, end press the SEL button.
4. Press the OK button.
If the language was Hungary:
1. Log in the 6. Kezelői beállítások menu
2. Choose the 6.1 Magyar / Angol menu of the 6. Kezelői
beállítások menu with  /  buttons, and press the
BELÉP switch.
3. Select the languae in the 6.1. Magyar / English submenu
with  /  buttons, end press the JELÖL button.
4. Press the OK button.


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