Rear Panel Tour - R&S SGU100A Getting Started

Sgma upconverter
Table of Contents


The [LAN] key indicates if a LAN connection is established.
Green LED indicates that a network cable is connected to the instrument and no
error in the DHCP connection is detected. But it does not indicate that the remote
control connection is established for all cases. For example, if the instrument is
set to use a "Static" IP address the instrument may still not be visible in the net-
Pressing the key resets the LAN interface settings, i.e the "IP Adress Mode" is
reset to DHCP.
Pressing the [ID] key while the instrument is active, opens the "SGMA-GUI >
Setup > Instruments > Configure Instruments > Edit Instrument" dialog of the cor-
responding instrument on the remote controller.
Pressing the ID key of an inactive instrument and starting "SGMA-GUI > Setup >
Instruments > Scan", leads to an automatic activation of the instrument in the

Rear Panel Tour

This section provides an overview of the connectors on the rear panel of the
instrument. For technical data of the connectors, refer to the data sheet.
Figure 3-2: Rear panel view
Getting Started 1418.2070.02 ─ 08
Instrument Tour
Rear Panel Tour


Table of Contents

Table of Contents