Visa Resource Strings - R&S SGU100A Getting Started

Sgma upconverter
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VISA Resource Strings

The VISA resource string is required to establish a communication session
between the controller and the instrument in a LAN. The resource string is a
unique identifier, composed of the specific IP address of the instrument and some
network and VISA-specific keywords.
TCPIP::host address[::LAN device name][::INSTR]
● TCPIP designates the network protocol used
● host address is the IP address or host name of the device
● [::LAN device name] defines the protocol and the instance number of a sub-
● [::INSTR] indicates the instrument resource class (optional)
The IP address (host address/computer name) is used by the programs to iden-
tify and control the instrument. It is automatically assigned by the DHCP server
the first time the device is registered on the network. Alternatively, you can also
assign its LAN device name.
You can find the IP address in the "SGMA-GUI > Instrument Name > Setup >
Remote" dialog, and also adjust it manually, if necessary.
See below the characteristics of the VISA resource strings for the corresponding
interface protocols. The highlighted characters are crucial.
TCPIP::host address::hislip0[::INSTR]
● hislip0 HiSLIP device name, designates that the interface protocol HiSLIP is
used (mandatory).
hislip0 is composed of [::HiSLIP device name[,HiSLIP port]] and must be
For details of the HiSLIP protocol, refer to
TCPIP::host address[::inst0][::INSTR]
● [::inst0] LAN device name, indicates that the VXI-11 protocol is used
inst0 currently selects the VXI-11 protocol by default and can be omitted.
Getting Started 1418.2070.02 ─ 08
Network and Remote Control Operation
"HiSLIP Protocol"
Instrument Control
on page 49.


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