Encoder Notify Tab; Encoder Notify Tab; Figure 5-14: Vistalink - evertz 7882J2KX-IPASI User Manual

Single channel encoder/decoder
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Single Channel J2K Encoder/Decoder
SFP 2 External Link: This control sends out a trap if there is a fault generated by a link loss on SFP 2
when enabled. SFP External Link Fault Present monitor displays if there is a fault condition on the SFP
2. Green indicates healthy while red indicates a fault.
Memory Self Test Faults
Memory Self Test: This control sends out a trap if there is a fault generated by the memory self test
when enabled.
Memory Self Test Fault Present displays if there is a fault condition on the memory self test. Green
indicates healthy while red indicates a fault.


Figure 5-14: VistaLINK

- Encoder Notify Tab

Video Monitoring Control
Black Duration: This control allows the user to set the duration, in frames of active picture content
below 7 IRE that is considered a fault. This parameter is adjusted in four-frame increments. As in 1 = 4
frames and 10 = 40 frames. The range is 1 (4 frames) to 2499 (9996 frames).
Picture Noise Level: This control allows the user to set approximate level of noise expected in video
signal feed. It is used by the freeze detect feature to distinguish motion from background noise on top
of a video feed.
Freeze Duration: This control allows the user to set the duration, in frames of video activity under the
Picture Noise Level that is considered a fault. This parameter is adjusted in four-frame increments. As
in 1 = 4 frames and 10 =40 frames. The range is 1 (4 frames) to 2499 (9996 frames).
Encoder Notify
Video Present: This control sends out a trap if there is a fault generated by a lost video signal. Please
note the alarm is generated if trap is enabled. Also note this is the video presence of the encoder. By
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