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Ametek 387 Service Manual page 88


7. To reprogram a port or to see to which port a gauge is programmed:
Use the Up or Down keys to move the pointer alongside its name.
b. Press the Select key. The HDT will display:
Press the Up or Down key to scroll through the list of gauge names.
d. When the pointer is next to the name of the gauge you want to assign to
the displayed port, press the Select key. (If you want to leave the port as-
signment as it was when you started, press the Return key to return to
the previous menu, or simply unplug the HDT.)
After pressing the Select key, the HDT will display the MODIFY CONFIG
menu and the pointer will point to the name of the gauge you chose:
8. To keep the changes you have made and store the new configuration data:
Press the Return key to return to the MAIN MENU. The HDT will display:
b. Move the pointer to WRITE CONFIG and press the Select key. The HDT
will display:
The HDT will display the MAIN MENU if the programming was suc-
cessful. At that point you can program another gauge or use the Return
key to go back to previous menus. When finished, unplug the tool.
If the HDT displays SYSTEM ERROR, turn the ignition off and back on,
then repeat this procedure from the beginning.

