Information From Your Network Administrator; Diagnosis: Remote Operation Using A Web Browser - Siemens Synco ZW775 V2.0 Commissioning Instructions

Central communication unit
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Step 1
Siemens Building Technologies
HVAC Products

6.2.2 Information from your network administrator

Your network administrator must provide the following settings for the following data
points to integrate the web server OZW775 in a private network LAN or a corporate
network (intranet) and Internet. See Section 4.3.2 for information on the data points.
Command sequence: Settings > Communication > Ethernet
Data point
IP address
Default val:
Setting val:
Network admin.
IP subnetwork address
Default val:
Setting val:
Network admin.
Default gateway
Default val:
Setting val:
Network admin.
DNS server 1
Default val:
Setting val:
Network admin.
DNS server 2
Default val:
Setting val:
Network admin.
MAC address
Default val:
48-bit address
Setting val:

6.2.3 Diagnosis: Remote operation using a web browser

Try the following steps to diagnose the problem if you cannot connect the web server
OZW775 to the Internet.
Can you reach the web server?
• Ping the web server from the PC/laptop on the same network (same network
containing the web server OZW775): ping <IP address for web server>.
Commissioning instructions OZW775 V2.01
Communication via Ethernet
Information from your network administrator
IP address setting:
IP subnetwork address (subnet mask) setting:
Default gateway settings (router):
DNS server 1 setting:
DNS server 2 setting:
The MAC address is printed on each central
communication unit at the Ethernet connection on the
housing cover.


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