Brocade Communications Systems CNA 1010 Troubleshooting Manual page 136

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HCM and Installer Message Reference
Found Backed up data.
Backed up configuration directory of HCM
<backedup_gui_version> dated <Backup_Date> is
found at <Backup_Directory>.
Do you want to restore old configurations?
Would you like to overwrite the existing driver?
The adapters on the system have a better driver version
than the one you are trying to install.
Click OK to continue.
Default module loading setting
The Driver module was not loaded because of the
/etc/sysconfig/hardware/config file is set to "no",
please change it to "yes" and retry the installation.
Default module loading setting
The Driver module was not loaded because of the
Variable "allow_unsupported_modules" in
/etc/modprobe.d/unsupported-modules file is set to
"0", please change it to "1" and retry the installation.
Disk space calculation
Available space is <Available space>. Please free up at
least 50 MB in /opt and re-attempt the installation.
ReStart Message For Solaris
SUCCESSFUL installation of Driver may require System
ReStart Message For Linux
Please reboot your system for the new driver to get
Pre-Uninstallation Message
It is strongly recommended that you quit all HCM
application running on this machine before continuing
with the Upgrade/Reinstall.
Do you want to back up the HCM configurations?
Configurations are stored in data directory.
<Three buttons displays like Don't Backup, Backup and
Brocade Adapter Software Installer messages (continued)
Corrective Action or Notes
Occurs during the course
If the user wishes to
of installation when a
restore the backed-up
backup data is already
data, the user can give
present in the system
"Yes" else "No"
Occurs when the system
If you want to overwrite
has a better driver version
the existing driver, click
than the one you are
OK to continue.
Occurs when the variable
Change the "No" to "Yes"
in variable
" in
located in
config file is set to "no".
config file then proceed
with installation.
Occurs when the variable
Change the "0" to "1" in
ules" in
ules" located in
orted-modules file is set
to "0"
orted-modules file then
proceed with installation.
Occurs when the available
Free at least 50MB in
space in /opt is less than
/opt, and then try
Occurs in all Solaris
Restart the system to
systems when the driver
complete installation.
is installed successfully.
Occurs when the driver is
Restart the system to
installed successfully on
complete installation.
Linux systems.
Occurs during removing
Close HCM or the installer
the HCM application.
will close it before
proceeding with software
Occurs when you remove
If you want to back up the
the application.
data, click on "Backup" or
else click "Don't backup."
Brocade Adapters Troubleshooting Guide


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This manual is also suitable for:

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