Vector Regulation Mode Parameters; Torque Reference Source - Reliance electric GV3000/SE Instruction Manual

General purpose and vector drive
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Vector Regulation Mode Parameters


Torque Reference Source

Parameter Range: 0 = Speed Loop Output
1 = Terminal Strip Analog Input
2 = Option Port (Network torque reference register)
3 = Selected speed reference
Default Setting:
Configurable (at standby only)
Refer to:
P.007 Terminal Strip Digital Inputs Configure
P.063 Option Port: Network Reference Source
This parameter specifies the source for the torque reference.
If U.000 = 0, the drive will always regulate speed.
If U.000 = > 0, the drive will regulate torque or speed. Torque or speed regulation is selected
by the P.007 configuration or the Network Option Board (depending on the control source).
If Torque regulation is selected:
• the Current Limit (P.005) is not applied.
• asserting the START input when JOG is selected, will enable the torque regulator, not the
speed regulator (i.e. P.020, P.021, P.022 are not used).
• the stop type will always be coast-to-rest stop regardless of the value of P.025 (Stop
If U.000 is 1, the analog input is NOT conditioned with Offset (P.009) and Gain (P.010), and
the reference cannot be inverted using (P.011). The analog input in this case is converted
every torque regulator scan (0.5ms) for external closed loop control (e.g. positioning
If U.000 is 3:
• The FWD/REV input can be used to invert the selected speed reference when it is used
as the torque reference.
• If the speed reference is used as the torque reference, the % torque is calculated as:
U.017 (Top Speed)
This assumes that P.028 = U.017
A torque reference value of 4095 corresponds to 150% torque.
49'1329 e
speed value * 150 = value used as torque reference
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