General Cleaning; General Care; Belt/Deck/Roller Lubrication - LifeSpan SPORTZ Owner's Manual

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1 General Cleaning

Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe the edge of the belt and the area between the belt edge and frame.
A mild soap and water solution along with a nylon scrub brush will clean the top of the textured belt.
This task should be done once a month. Allow to dry before using.
On a monthly basis, vacuum underneath your treadmill to prevent dust build up. Once a year, you
should remove the black motor shield and vacuum out dirt that may accumulate.

2 General Care

Check parts for wear before use.
Pay particular attention to the fixing knobs and make sure they
Always replace the mat if worn and any other defective parts
If in doubt do not use the treadmill and contact our helpline.
TAKE CARE TO PROTECT CARPETS AND FLOOR in case of leakages. This product is a machine that
ains moving parts which have been greased / lubricated and could leak.

3 Belt/Deck/Roller Lubrication:

The mat/deck friction may play a major role in the function and life of your treadmill and that is why
recommend you constantly lubricate this friction point to prolong the useful life of your treadmill.
Lubrication is provided with this unit. You should apply the enclosed lubrication after approximately the
first 50 hours of operation. We recommend lubrication of the deck according to the following timet
Light use (less that 3 hours per week) every 6 mont
Medium use (3-5 hours a week) every 3 months
vy use (more than 5 hours per week) every 6-8 weeks.
See below procedures for lubricating:
Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the area between the belt and deck.
are tight.
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