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Tascam RC-848 Owner's Manual page 13

Remote control unit


Event (Poi and Width)
0 Menu Functions Available Only When DA-38 Is
This me"" is where yo" select a polarity and pulse width
depending on event devices in "se. Event points can be
programed "t "n Event On/Off me"" (Group 2) (p.6
. I).
Under Control
(Group I)
F&c in Event
Shuttle Monitor
Allows to overcome
the response or reaction time
discrepancies between event devices yo" select at an In
Event menu (Group 2), so that they xe timed to st"rt
exactly "t an IN memory point yo" select "s " Ret In
point for a recorder or recorders to drop into record (p.6
Used to activate or disable the corresponding function.
Remember, for the function to be actually available, both
the Insert and the Auto Input monitor functions must
additionally be activated (p.4. 14).
input Bit
Remember, this me"" is related to the In Event menu, but
has nothing to do with the Event On/Off men".
At this men" yo" can and have to select zi bit length for
the DA-38 to send or receive digital data through its
TDIF-I !JO port (p.4. IS).
Group 2
Mechine Offset
The re-quantization noise is or is not be 'dithered' (or
masked), as selected at this me"" (p.4 *
entering offset values for individual machines 2-6
either manually on the numeric keypad or automatically
by pressing ENTER (p.5 - 3).
(Group 2)
Machine Offset
Delay lime
For inserting delays in individual tracks I-8 (p.4 - 9).
Allows the DA-38 to le"d or lag " master within the
limits of +/-2 hours.
Pitch ConVoi
Track Copy
For having ""y machine under control play at vari"bie
speeds. You c"" enter pitch changes before or during play
- 5 AL 9).
Tracks can be copied within one DA-38 or from tracks of
one DA-38 to tracks of another, "s controlled from this
"le"" (p.4 - 14).
Locate Preroii
This screen is where a preroll time is entered for the LOC
key to offer preroll "p to a point recalled from memory
into the LOCATE TIME window (p.4
7). Not to be
Menu Functions Available Only When Machine
7 Or 8 Is Under Control
confused with the "punch-in" preroli (p.4
13). Also
remember that this men" and the DA-38's Autolocation
Preroli function are independent of each other.
Auto Cue
Switches the corresponding function on and off on CD-
601 or other TASCAM CD players.
Display Time
The TAPE TIME display shows elapsed time from " "ser
selected point or from the beginning of the tape, as
controlled from this men" screen (pp.4 - IO &
Determines whether the CD player under control only
plays " single track or continues to play.
Event (On and Off)
Allows yo" to switch individual events 1-5 on and off,
and to select first and second shot points from memory
for each event (p.6
. I).
when the RC-848 is used with the RC-
In Event
Used to select events (1.5) for them to be told to stwt
"ser entered times before
In point, overcoming thus
the reaction or response time discrepancies between them
Determines whether the pickup of the CD player under
control skips directly to a specific index signal or to the
desired track (p.7 . 3).
See also
Ret /II Event
(Group I).

