Commissioning Step 2: Channel Gain - Wassp WMB-160F Installation Manual

F series
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If the I/Q Bars win-
dow is blank then the
system is not acquiring
sonar data. Check that
the system is pinging.
Top Bar
Lower Bar
I/Q Bars Showing Good I/Q Readings
Ensure all of the checkboxes at the bottom of this display are checked. If the checkbox for any of
the channels is unchecked this channel will be considered to be zero by the software, this function
is present to allow one or more noisy channels to be ignored before the source of the problem can
be identified and repaired. If the channel is between F-U then there may be a notable increase in
the sonar port-starboard sidelobe levels when the channel is unchecked..
Page 46 of 68
Installation Manual

Commissioning Step 2: Channel Gain

Start the transceiver and run the WMB-160/80F program. See Start Up /
Shut Down Procedures on Page 62. With the transceiver ON, configured
and connected correctly, the system should now be ready to acquire data.
Set the power level to 1 and ensure the transducer is submerged in
When displaying TX, click the Mode button to begin pinging.
Adjust the range to show the sea-floor.
The I/Q Bar Graph is used to diagnose issues with the transducer and wiring.
Major problems with any of the receiver channels should be easy to spot using this
facility. This display is found in the Technician Menu.
The Channel drop down box allows for a channel to be selected to form a
reference for the other channels. The top bar graph is a double sided bar graph
referenced to the selected channel. The lower bar graph is an absolute bar
graph of the value received on that channel. As the data comes in throughout the
duration of a ping, the display instantly changes. The I channel is displayed in
LIGHT BLUE and the Q channel is displayed in GREEN. The letters along the
lower axis are directly linked to the respective 26 channels on the receiver board
and the transducer elements. The slider bar to the right of the bars controls the
gain of the display. UP increases the gain, while DOWN decreases the gain. See
Figure 28.
Use the slider bar on the side of the box to adjust the lower 52 bars so that they
fill about a third of the form height. Ensure there are no extreme (more than
200%) changes in signal strength across the channels. The display should update
regularly and the values should fluctuate, If one or more bars are full ON or full
OFF there is a problem that you need to resolve before continuing.
The source of problems identified in this test is most likely to be in the connections
from the transducer cable into the transceiver receiver board. If a wire/connector
is loose or has lost some of its insulation you will likely see a blank or very high
Figure 28 – I / Q Bar Graphs
I/Q Bars with Channel X (24) Disconnected
I/Q Bars with Channel B (2) Noisy
Doc. P/N:
Issue Date:
July 2014


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