Oracle StorageTek T9840 User Manual page 114

Table of Contents


make a data cartridge 67
power-off the drive 60
power-on the drive 59
set the drive offline 66
set the drive online 65
unload data cartridge 63
view drive configuration 65
view firmware level 66
write protect a cartridge 61
Oracle support 11
overview menus structure 43
package a cartridge for shipping 88
physical specifications 85
Power Fail message 74
power indicator 33
power-off the drive 60
power-on the drive 59
properties folder 40
ReadCustTp command 57
Reading message 74
Ready A message 75
Ready F message 75
Ready H message 75
Ready L message 75
Ready U message 75
Rewinding message 75
Save Fails message 75
Saving Dump message 75
select switch 34
service indicator 33
set the drive offline 66
set the drive online 65
shipping a cartridge 88
SL8500 drive tray LED 37
folder 38
tape drive IP address 38
slot, load/unload 32
physical, tape drive 79
power, tape drive 81
tape drive 84
SrvoLdUnld command 57
Start Init message 75
status folder 39
4 T9840 URM
store a data cartridge 87
structure of menus 43
support, Oracle 11
switches, operator panel 34
tape bar 35
tape drive
error recovery, operator 76
interfaces 17
IP address, SLC 38
maintenance port 16
performance specifications 84
physical specifications 79
power specifications 81
translated messages 77
Trapped message 75
unload a data cartridge 63
unload switch 34
Unloading message 75
UnWr xxxx message 75
user response to indicators 71
vary the tape drive offline 66
vary the tape drive online 65
drive configuration 65
firmware level 66
online main menu
drive 45
entry point 45
exit 45
fibre channel drives 45
FICON drives 45
firmware 45
virtual operator panel 36
VolSafe cartridge 23
W/R Diag command 57
WORM, see VolSafe 23
Write Prot message 75
write protection, cartridge 61
Writing message 75
xxxx Dmp y message 73
December 2012


Table of Contents

Table of Contents