Bulk Data And The Bulk Data Control And Status Registers - Basler A400K User Manual

Basler a400k
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Configuring the Camera

4.2.3 Bulk Data and the Bulk Data Control and Status Registers

The term "bulk data" refers to a collection of values used by the camera as a block. A configuration
set (see Section 3.14) is an example of one type of bulk data. A single configuration set contains
values for all of the normal parameters needed to configure the camera and the values within a
configuration set are used by the camera as a block. On A400k cameras, a set shading values
(see Section 3.6) is an example of another type of bulk data. A set of shading values contains all
of the values needed to do column FPN, DSNU and PSNU shading correction. Another example
of a type of bulk data is the programmable AOI list that is uploaded to the camera to perform a
pre-defined sequence of areas of interest.
A400k cameras have a file system similar to the file system used on PCs. A400k cameras can
store blocks of bulk data such as configuration sets, a set of shading values or an AOI list in named
files within the camera's non-volatile memory. The camera's bulk data control and status registers
(CSRs) are used to save blocks of bulk data to files in the non-volatile memory. For example, you
can use the configuration set bulk data control register to create a named file in the camera and
to store the settings from the current work configuration set in that file.
In the case of the A400k, there are three types of bulk data: configuration sets, a set of shading
values and an AOI list. There is a separate bulk data control and status register for each type of
bulk data. The configuration set bulk data CSR is used to work with configuration sets, the shading
value CSR is used to work with a set of shading values and the AOI list CSR is used to upload an
AOI list.
By writing to fields within a bulk data CSR you can do things such as saving a block of bulk data
to a file in the non-volatile memory, copying a saved bulk data file from the camera to a PC, and
creating a list of existing saved bulk data files. Section
lists the bulk data CSRs in A400k
cameras and provides a general description of the use of each field within the registers.
The best way to understand the use of the bulk data CSRs is to read about the different tasks that
you can perform with them. Section
describes the tasks that are normally performed by
manipulating the bulk data CSRs and provides a procedure for performing each task.
Basler A400k

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