Introduction To The Piranha Hs-Xx Camera; Camera Highlights - Teledyne DALSA HS-40-04k40-xx-R User Manual

High sensitivity line scan ccd camera
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Piranha HS-xx RoHS User Manual
Introduction to the
Piranha HS-xx Camera

1.1 Camera Highlights

Teledyne DALSA
4096 or 8192 pixels, 7 µm x 7 µm or 14 µm x 14 µm (H S-82) pixel pitch, 90% fill factor
4 or 8 taps, bid irectional TDI
Up to 160, 320, or 640 m egapixels/ second throu ghpu t
Greater than 100 kH z line rate (H S-82 m od el)
100x antibloom ing
Broad band responsivity of 1170 DN (nJ/ cm
6 ind epend ently stage-selectable Tim e Delay and In tegration (TDI) im aging regions
for rem arkable u ser-controlled sensitivity
RoH S and CE com pliant
Serial interface (ASCII, 9600 bau d , ad ju stable to 19200, 57600, 115200), throu gh
Cam era Link™.
Program m able gain, offset, fram e and fram e rates, trigger m od e, test pattern ou tpu t,
and cam era d iagnostics.
Mirroring and forw ard / reverse control.
Selectable Area or TDI Mod e of operation. Area Mod e facilitates cam era alignm ent
and focu sing. Area m od e can also be u sed for regu lar operation .
Selectable pixel size (binning).

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