Temperature Measurement - Teledyne DALSA HS-40-04k40-xx-R User Manual

High sensitivity line scan ccd camera
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Returning Averaged Lines of Video
Setting the Number of Lines to Sample
Syntax Elem ents:
N otes:
Related Com m and s:
Exam ple:
Returning the Average of Multiple Lines of Video
Syntax Elem ents:
N otes:
Related Com m and s:
Exam ple:

4.7.3 Temperature Measurement

The tem peratu re of the cam era can be d eterm ined by u sing the
com m and w ill retu rn the internal chip tem peratu re in d egrees Celsiu s. For proper
operation, this valu e shou ld not exceed 75°C.
If this occu rs, the cam era must be rebooted u sing the com m and ,
d ow n m anu ally. You w ill have to correct the tem peratu re problem or the cam era w ill
shu td ow n again.
Sets the num ber of lines to sam p le w hen using the gla com m and
or for pixel coefficient calculations.
css i
N um ber of lines to sam ple. Allow able values are 256, 512, or
1024 (factory setting).
To return the current setting, use the gcp com m and .
css 1024
Returns the average for m ultiple lines of vid eo d ata (w ithout pixel
coefficients or test pattern). The num ber of lines to sam ple is set
and ad justed by the css com m and . The cam era d isplays the Min.,
Max., and Mean statistics for the pixels in the region of interest (the
region of interest com m and is explained in section Setting a Region
of Interest).
gla x1 x2
Colum n start num ber. Must be less than the colum n end
num ber in a range from 1 to (column resolution – 1).
Colum n end num ber. Must be greater than the colum n start
num ber in a range from 2 to colum n resolution.
If x2
Analog gain, analog offset, d igital offset, background subtract,
and d igital system gain are applied to the d ata. FPN and
PRN U coefficients are not includ ed in the d ata.
Values returned are in 12 bit DN .
Available in TDI Mod e only.
gla 10 20
If the cam era reaches 75°C, the cam era w ill shutdow n and the LED w ill flash red.
x1 then x2 is forced to be x1.
Piranha HS-xx RoHS User Manual
vt com m and . This
or can be pow ered
Teledyne DALSA

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