Horizontal Lines Or Patterns In Image - Teledyne DALSA HS-40-04k40-xx-R User Manual

High sensitivity line scan ccd camera
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Piranha HS-xx RoHS User Manual
To receive a com plete line of raw vid eo d ata (w ithou t d igital processing or test pattern)
throu gh the RS232 port, u se the com m and
after another and the m inim u m , m axim u m , and m ean valu e of the sam pled line. Use this
com m and to ensu re the proper vid eo inpu t range.
Probe the ou tpu t lines w ith an oscilloscope. Disconnect the d igital cable from the cam era
and check the d igital signals at the ou tpu t of the cam era. Ensu re that the correct valu es
are present. Check all cable connections, especially right at the connector; poor
connections or broken w ires w ill cau se rand om ly changing bits or stu ck b its.

Horizontal Lines or Patterns in Image

A fau lty or irregu lar encod er signal m ay resu lt in horizontal lines d u e to exposu re tim e
flu ctu ations; ensu re that you r exposu re tim e is regu lar. If you have verified that you r
exposu re tim e is consistent and patterns of low frequ ency intensity variations still occu r,
ensu re that you are u sing a DC or high frequ ency light sou rce.
Teledyne DALSA
gl . The retu rned d ata d isplays one pixel valu e

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