Camera Control Signals - Teledyne DALSA HS-40-04k40-xx-R User Manual

High sensitivity line scan ccd camera
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• DVAL—Data Valid (DVAL) is d efined H IGH w hen d ata is valid .
• Spare— A spare has been d efined for fu tu re u se.
All fou r enable signals m u st be provid ed by the cam era on each Channel Link chip. All
u nu sed d ata bits m u st be tied to a know n valu e by the cam era. For m ore inform ation on
im age d ata bit allocations, refer to the official Cam era Link specification located here, on
the Teled yne DALSA w ebsite.

Camera Control Signals

Fou r LVDS pairs are reserved for general pu rpose cam era control. They are d efined as
cam era inpu ts and fram e grabber ou tpu ts. Cam era m anu factu rers can d efine th ese signals
to m eet their need s for a particu lar prod u ct. The signals are:
• Cam era Control 1 (CC1)
• Cam era Control 2 (CC2)
• Cam era Control 3 (CC3)
• Cam era Control 4 (CC4)
The H S-xx u ses the follow ing cam era control signals:
Table 24: Teledyne DALSA Camera Control Configuration
Tw o LVDS pairs have been allocated for asynchronou s serial com m u nication to and from
the cam era and fram e grabber. Cam eras and fram e grabbers shou ld su pport at least 9600
bau d . These signals are
• SerTFG—Differential pair w ith serial com m u nications to the fram e grabber.
• SerTC—Differential pair w ith serial com m u nications to the cam era.
The serial interface w ill have the follow ing characteristics: one start bit, one stop bit, no
parity, and no hand shaking. It is recom m end ed that fram e grabber m anu factu rers su pply
both a u ser interface and a softw are application program m ing interface (API) for u sing
the asynchronou s serial com m u nication port. The u ser interface w ill consist of a term inal
program w ith m inim al capabilities of send ing and receiving a character s tring and
send ing a file of bytes. The softw are API w ill provid e fu nctions to enu m erate board s and
send or receive a character string.
Pow er w ill not be provid ed on the Cam era Link connector. The cam era w ill receive pow er
throu gh a separate cable. Cam era m anu factu rers w ill d efine their ow n pow er connector,
cu rrent, and voltage requ irem ents.
EXSYN C, negative ed ge active
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Forw ard
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Piranha HS-xx RoHS User Manual
Teledyne DALSA

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