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Nakayama MB9005 Manual page 29


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occuring to other people or their property.
Ⅷ. Preparation
1. The safety protection guard must be attached to the machine before using.
2. Check that the blade and fender are correctly assend and securely fastened.
3. While working, always wear substantial footwear and long trousers. Do not operate
the equipment when barefoot or wearing open sandals.
4. Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to be used and remove all
objects which can be thrown up by the machine.
5. WARNING-Diesel is highly flammable:
----store fuel in containers specifically designed for this purpose
----refuel outdoor only and do not smoke while refueling.
---- add fuel before starting the engine. Never remove the cap of the fuel tank or add
diesel while the engine is running or when the engine is hot.
----if diesel is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine but move the machine away
from the area of spillage and avoid creating any source of ignition until diesel vapours
have dissipated.
----Replace all fuel tank and container caps securely
6. Replace faulty silencers
7. Before using, always visually inspect to see that tools are not worn or damaged.
Replace worn or damaged elements and bolts in sets to preserve balance.
Ⅸ. Operation
1. Do not operate the engine in a confined space where dangerous carbon monoxide
fumes can collect.
2. Work only in daylight or in good artificial light.
3. Always be sure of your footing on slopes
4. Walk, never run with the machine.
5. Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes
6. Do not work on excessively steep slopes
7. Use extreme caution when reversing or pulling the machine towards you
8. Do not change the engine governor setting or over speed the engine.
9. Start the engine carefully according to manufacturer instructions and with feet well



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