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UNI-T UDP3000S Series Programming Manual page 15

Programming dc power supply


Programming Manual
For Example::SOURce1:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe 1
Function:Query the overvoltage protective switch of a certain channel.
Description:The optional value for # are"1|2|3|5|6". 1 is corresponding to CH1; 2 is corresponding to CH2; 3 is
corresponding to CH3; 5 is corresponding to SER; 6 is corresponding to PARA. If [:SOURce#] or # is
ignored, then the default is CH1. It returns"ON | OFF".
For Example::SOURce1:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe?
[:SOURce#]:CURRent [:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]
Format:[:SOURce#]:CURRent [:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<curr>|MINimum|MAXimum}
Function:Set the current value of a certain channel and set the channel as the current channel.
Description:The optional value for # are"1|2|3|5|6". 1 is corresponding to CH1; 2 is corresponding to CH2; 3 is
corresponding to CH3; 5 is corresponding to SER; 6 is corresponding to PARA. If [:SOURce#] or # is
ignored, then the default is CH1. "1, 2"can only be selected in normal mode; "5" can only be selected in serial
mode; "6"can only be selected in parallel mode.
For Example::SOURce1:CURRent 5.000
[:SOURce#]:CURRent [:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]?
Format:[:SOURce#]:CURRent [:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]?
Function:Query the current value of a certain channel.
Description:The optional value for # are"1|2|3|5|6". 1 is corresponding to CH1; 2 is corresponding to CH2; 3 is
corresponding to CH3; 5 is corresponding to SER; 6 is corresponding to PARA. If [:SOURce#] or # is
ignored, then the default is CH1.
For Example::SOURce1:CURRent?
Format:[:SOURce#]:CURRent:PROTection[:LEVel] {<curr>|MINimum|MAXimum}
Function:Set the overcurrent protective value of a certain channel and set the channel as the current channel.
Description:The optional value for # are"1|2|3|5|6". 1 is corresponding to CH1; 2 is corresponding to CH2; 3 is
corresponding to CH3; 5 is corresponding to SER; 6 is corresponding to PARA. If [:SOURce#] or # is
ignored, then the default is CH1. "1, 2"can only be selected in normal mode; "5" can only be selected in serial
mode; "6"can only be selected in parallel mode.
For Example::SOURce1:CURRent:PROTection 5.000
UDP3000S Series
15 / 49



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