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The exclamation point within an equi-lateral triangle is intended to alert the user
to the presence of important safety related operating and maintenance
(Servicing) instructions in this manual.


A progressively scanned high definition video format with 1920 pixels and 1080 lines. (See also
description sF.)
The sampling ratio used in the HDTV digital video signal. For every 4 samples of luminance
there are 2 samples each of R-Y (Red minus Luminance) and B-Y (Blue minus luminance).
A sampling ratio that has equal amounts of the luminance and both chrominance channels.
A wide screen television format such as HDTV in which the aspect ratio of the screen is 16
units wide by 9 high as opposed to the 4x3 of normal TV.
AES/EBU: (Sometimes abbreviated as AES) Refers to the digital audio standard (AES3-1992) set by the
Audio Engineering Society and European Broadcast Union and used by most forms of digital
audio from CDs to professional digital video.
Aspect Ratio: The ratio of width to height in a picture. Theatre screens generally have an aspect ratio of
1.85 to 1, widescreen TV (16x9) is 1.77 to 1, and normal TV (4x3) is 1.33 to 1.
CCIR (International Radio Consultative Committee)
organisation is now known as ITU.)
CCIR-601: See ITU-R601.
Cliff effect:
(also referred to as the 'digital cliff') This is a phenomenon found in digital video systems
that describes the sudden deterioration of picture quality when due to excessive bit errors, often
caused by excessive cable lengths. The digital signal will be perfect even though one of its
signal parameters is approaching or passing the specified limits. At a given moment however,
the parameter will reach a point where the data can no longer be interpreted correctly, and the
picture will be totally unrecognisable.
Component analog: The non-encoded output of a camera, video tape recorder, etc., consisting of the
three primary colour signals: red, green, and blue (RGB) that together convey all necessary
picture information. In some component video formats these three components have been
translated into a luminance signal and two colour difference signals, for example Y, B-Y, R-Y.
Component digital: A digital representation of a component analog signal set, most often Y, B-Y, R-Y.
The encoding parameters are specified by ITU-R709 for HDTV signals. SMPTE 274M and
SMPTE 296M specify the parallel interface.
Composite analog: An encoded video signal such as NTSC or PAL video that includes horizontal and
vertical synchronizing information.
HD9010TM High Definition Time Code Master Manual
Revision 2.4.1
An international standards committee. (This
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents