Mecha's Simple Scripting (Mss) - Nodal Ninja Fanotec MECHA User Manual

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MECHA's Simple Scrip�ng (MSS)
Star�ng with firmware version 02116, MECHA's Simple Scrip�ng (MSS)
reached a level of flexibility that allows easy scrip�ng for common shoo�ng
pa�erns, for both MECHA Single and MECHA DAC.
In MECHA DAC, MECHA needs to know its star�ng posi�on. This can be
Parked, Level, or Raised. These conven�ons are also used in naming the
presets available from Server.
Considering the quite popular shoo�ng pa�ern made with kit lenses at
around 29mm (FF equiv), that consists in:
1. one row of 12 posi�ons at a �lt of 0° (horizontally)
2. another row of 12 posi�ons at a �lt of +45°
3. another row of 12 posi�ons at a �lt of -45°
4. a single posi�on at a �lt of -90°, known as Nadir
5. a single posi�on at a �lt of 90°, known as Zenith
Considering the Start Level posi�on, as in the image above, this pa�ern can
be programmed by the following MSS:
MECHA User's Guide v.05.4 ‒ Dual Axis
© 2020 FANOTEC
The naming conven�ons
for star�ng and ending posi�ons
for MECHA DAC presets
available via [ More from Server.. ]
the posi�on
these bu�ons
to match the preset
before star�ng
the preset.


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