Test Using Mecha's Buttons; Mecha's Buttons; Set The Rotator Using Mecha's Buttons - Nodal Ninja Fanotec MECHA User Manual

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Test using MECHA's bu�ons
A�er moun�ng MECHA on a tripod or on any stand with a moun�ng screw,
you can perform a few tests, first without moun�ng the camera.
NOTE. The following codes are used to tell MECHA what type of rotator is
connected to it, if you purchased it separatelly, or changed the rotator
type, or if you want to be sure MECHA has the correct one:
Set the rotator using MECHA's bu�ons
• 23131< set E1 as preferred rotator
• 23132< set E2 as preferred rotator
• 23121< set P1 as preferred rotator
The code should match with the actual rotator connected to each MECHA,
and needs to be entered by pressing the bu�ons of the MECHA to which the
rotator is connected.
However, if you are in doubt about the type of rotator, you can try each
code, then launch a 90° rota�on – press the le� arrow bu�on, �, then
quickly the bu�on [2] – and if it is indeed 90°, then the rotator is correctly
Alterna�vely, you can contact your dealer, or mecha@nodalninja.com, for
more info or help in iden�fying the type of rotator you have.
Once the rotator is correctly set, power up MECHA and wait un�l the LEDs
are off and you hear two beeps, then enter the following codes using
MECHA's bu�ons:
• 131 - to enter this code, press the bu�ons [1], [3], [1] , which is a hard-
code for a test with 6 shots around, then the right bu�on, �, to specify
the direc�on of rota�on to the right, or the le� bu�on, �, to specify
the direc�on of rota�on to the le�.
• 132 is similar to 131, but for 12 shots around.
• 3212< - enter this code to find out the firmware version, which will be
displayed on the LEDs.
MECHA User's Guide v.05.4 ‒ Single Axis
© 2020 FANOTEC


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