Callback Menu; Software Revision; Factory Default - Pyronix PCX 46 App Programming Reference Manual

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Dial In Options
Direct Dial: When the PC dials the panel, it will respond immediately.
2call Ansr (Shared Line): When the PC dials the panel, it will hang up after a designated number of
rings, and dial again. The first call primes the panel, which will then answer the second call. The
number of rings to prime the panel is entered in "Number of Rings before AMC" menu option.
Number of Rings for 2call: Enter the number of rings needed to prime the panel before answering the
next call.
Modem Speed
This option defaults to 'high' – but may be set to 'medium' for compatibility with purposes.
Prefix Telephone Number
The prefix is an extra digit required to reach the panel i.e. dial 9 to get an 'outside' line.
The number of redials that it will call to the InSite software before it fails.
UDL Password
This password is used to identify the UDL connection. Make sure the password here and on the PC
InSite software are the same.
Site Name:
Entry of a Site name is optional – however if it is entered, ensure that it is the same (verbatim) here
and on the Insite software.
UDL Priority:
We recommend that this is set to 'High' if set to 'normal' then HomeControl+ App notifications may
disconnect the UDL connection while you are trying to use UDL.

5.2 Callback Menu?

The PC Connect Menu can be used by the engineer to make the panel to dial to a remote PC where the
UDL software is installed (rather than the PC dialing the control panel). This menu is also available from
the Master Manager menu to enable users to activate a connection.
Select PC to Dial
Select PC 1 to 4. The telephone number of the PC modem/s (1 to 4) should be pre-programmed in
'Options Up / Downloading' menu.
Select PC to Dial
The following actions can be performed:
Connect to PC – If the customer has not been created in UDL software it will take the data
automatically from panel and create customer. If the customer has been created in the UDL the panel
will connect to this customer database.
RM Service – Will force RM Service report for the last 6 months.
Data from PC, Data to PC – Up/Down loading info from/to UDL.
Commissioning – Just sets a date when the system is going to be used from. NOTE: There is a
shortcut to connect to 'PC number 1' from when the panel is in disarmed mode. To activate such a call
from the keypad, press 'A' followed by 5555. The display will not change but panel will dial the first PC
programmed in 'Options Up / Downloading' automatically (only if PSTN modem installed).

5.3 Software Revision?

This option shows the software version and hub version installed in the panel. Please obtain the software
version number prior to contacting customer support so that the correct information can be given upon
supporting the product.

5.4 Factory Default?

This option is used to reset the panel to a factory default.
5.4.1 Factory Default Code
The Default code is: 2000
Once applied the system will be reset to factory defaults.
PCX 46 Programming Reference
Select Operation
Page: 27


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