Fast Scan; Image Acquisition - Kodak DirectView CR 800 System Theory Manual

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Fast Scan

Image Acquisition

Illustration (flow) showing the path of a "point" from X-ray to Plate,
to through conversions, up to the time the 16 bit image data and the
16 bit reference data leave the PMT/DAS BD.
The Fast Scan direction is a nearly horizontal path across the plate. While the
PLATE is moving down in the Slow Scan direction each line of the Fast Scan
begins one pixel line higher up on the PLATE. The distance the LASER travels
both vertically (Slow Scan) and horizontally (Fast Scan) is set up in configuration
for each PLATE size.
The slow scan is a pre-set number of lines in the vertical direction for each plate.
The Fast scan is defined by a set number of samplings in the horizontal direction
across the plate.
Each sampling defines a pixel, the smallest object in an image that you are able
to see. However, the pixel size varies depending on the plate size.
12/12/94 – 1234563


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