Com Technology Overview; Automation Server; Automation Controllers - Planar R54 Programming Manual

Vector reflectometer; programming com/dcom
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COM Technology Overview

COM stands for Component Object Model. This programming technology was
developed by Microsoft for two purposes:

Automation Server

The PlanarR54x2.exe application contains a built-in COM server that enables other
programs to access its functionality. The PlanarR54x2.exe application COM server was
developed in conformity with the COM automation specification. COM automation is a
technology allowing control over the COM server by the programs written in both
traditional compiling programming languages and interpreting programming languages,
such as VBScript. This enables the server applications to make their functionality
accessible to many more clients.
To register the COM-server of PlanarR54x2.exe application in the system registry, start
the PlanarR54x2.exe
installation. You can also register the COM-server in the similar manner manually.
To delete the COM-server registration from the system registry, start the
PlanarR54x2.exe application with /unregserver key in command line.

Automation Controllers

Automation controllers are client programs, which use internal functionality of COM
servers. Automation controller programs are developed by users for writing their own
add-ons for the system.
User programs can be written in different languages:
the model provides the specification for interaction of binary
modules created in different programming languages;
the model defines the interfacing between a client application and a
server application running either on the same PC or on two different
PCs. In the latter case, the technology has DCOM abbreviation –
Distributed COM.
application with /regserver key in command line during
programming languages with built-in COM support, such as Visual
Basic®, Delphi, Java;
universal programming languages, such as C, C++;
Microsoft Excel and Word office applications as they include built-in
programming language Visual Basic for Applications®;
program generators, such as National Instruments LabView®, or
COM/DCOM Programming manual


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