Control Knob; Return Key; Hold Key; Trigger Key - Wavetek 75 Instruction Manual

Arbitrary waveform
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The label for the F2 soft key will read "NEXTBP"
(Go to Next Break Point). Pressing F2 will cause
the cursor to jump to the next location where a
break point is "on".
The label for the F3 soft key will read "TGLBP"
(Toggle Break Point OnIOff). Pressing F3 will turn
a break point "on" if it is "off" or "off" if it is "on"
at the current cursor position.
Pressing the Setup keya third time enables the break
point clearing and reset functions as follows:
The label for the F1 soft keywill read "CLRBPS"
(Clear all Break Points). Pressing F1, then the
EXEC key, will clear all of the currently set break
points (turn them "off"), and insert the default
break point at the start address.
The label for the F2 soft key will read "RSET"
(Reset). Pressing F2, then the EXEC key, will reset
the instrument to the defaults listed in table 3-1.
This will not affect the active or stored waveforms.
The top line of the display will indicate the soft-
ware version number.
The label for the F3 soft keywill read "EXEC" (Ex-
ecute). Pressing F3 causes the action selected
by the CLRBPS or RSET to be executed. An "X"
will be displayed in the top right hand corner of
the display after EXEC has been pressed.
Pressing the Setup key a fourth time enables the
Z-axis and calibration controls as follows:
The label for the F1 soft key will read "ZLEVL"
(Z-Axis Drive Level). Pressing F1 allows adjust-
ment of the amplitude at the Z-axis output con-
nector (23) by rotating the control knob. The top
line of the display indicates this level in volts. Refer
to paragraph 3.5 for a procedure for setting up
Z-axis modulation.
The label for the F2 soft key will read "ZLOGIC"
(Z-Axis Logic Polarity). Pressing F2 allows setting
of the Z-axis output (23) to either positive
(high =bright) or negative (low
bright) by
rotating the control knob. Refer to paragraph 3.5
for a procedure for setting upz-axis modulation.
The label for the F3 soft key will read "CAL"
(Calibration). Pressing F3 allows the calibration
of the output offset. Refer to section 5 for the
calibration procedure.
Pressing the Setup key a fifth time enables the
communication option controls if a communication
option is installed. Refer to paragraph 3.26
(IEEE-488) or 3.30 (RS-232-C) for more information
about these controls.
Pressing the Setup key additional times will con-
tinuously cycle through the above options.
Control Knob. Used to change the value or selec-
tion associated with the three soft key. The top line
of the displaywill display thevalue or selection made
by the control knob.
Power Switch.This switch turns the instrument On
or Off. At power-on, the instrument initializes to the
conditions existing when the instrument was last
turned off.
ARB Out (50R) Connector. This BNC connector is
the main output for the ARB waveform. The maxi-
mum voltage output amplitude is
5 Vp into a 50R
load. This connector is internally fuse protected.
Return Key. Pressing the Return key causes the out-
put to ramp back to the starting "Y" value. The rate
of the ramp is adjustable from 0 to 100 ms per
vertical point. If the instrument is in Continuous
mode, the output will be held after the return and can
be restarted by pressing the Hold key. If the
waveform is in the Trigger, Gate, Toggle, or Burst
mode, the output will wait for another trigger (manual
or external) before restarting.
Sum i n (50R) Connector. Provides a means of
inputting an external waveform to be summed with
the ARB internal waveform. This input is fuse pro-
tected against accidental application of high voltage.
5Vp input will produce an output equal to the
amplitude setting at the "ARB Out" connector. The
sum of this signal and the .internal waveform can-
not exceed
5 Vp.
12 Hold Key. This key, when pressed, will stop the
waveform at the ARB Out connector and hold the
output at the instantaneous (when pressed) value
of "Y". Pressing the Hold key a second time will con-
tinue the original waveform.
Sync Out (TTL) Connector. This connector provides
a sync signal for synchronizing an oscilloscope or
another ARB generator with this ARB generator. The
waveform from this connector is a pulse one Sam-
ple time wide. The position is adjustable toanywhere
in the waveform.
Trigger Key. This key allows the waveform to be
manually controlled in four different ways depending
on the mode. The trigger slope polarity (TRSLP) is
settable as either positive or negative.
1. When in the Triggered Mode the generator will
output one cycle of the waveform each time the
key is pressed.
ArtekMedia O 2006

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