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Twice-Baked Potatoes - Kogan KAOVNHALOGA User Manual

1300w 12l halogen oven


These green beans take on a completely different taste and texture when
Ingredients (Serves: 4)
1 16-oz. baby green beans, frozen
1 large onion, sliced into thin rings
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon kosher salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
½ teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- Add package of frozen green beans to the frying pan and toss with all
remaining ingredients, except balsamic vinegar.
- Roast on high rack at 230ºC for 15 minutes or until tender, stirring
- Sprinkle vinegar over beans.


These are the perfect side dish and can be made up ahead of time and baked
at the last minute.
Ingredients (Serves: 6)
3 large baking potatoes
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons cream cheese, fat-free
¼ cup light sour cream
1 cup cheddar cheese, low fat, shredded, divided
1 4-oz. pkg. real bacon bits
½ - 1 cup evaporated skim milk
- Prick potatoes with knife and place on frying pan on low rack. Set oven for 1
hour at 205ºC, stopping to turn after 30 minutes.
- Remove potatoes to kitchen towel and wrap to let cool enough to handle.
- Cut in half and scoop out potato into bowl. Add remaining ingredients
leaving some of the cheese and bacon for garnishing tops. With electric
mixer, beat potato mixture till smooth.
- Scoop into potato shells and garnish with cheese and bacon.
- When ready to heat again, place on frying pan and heat on low rack of oven
at 190ºC for 10 minutes or until heated through.

