Adding Traffic Management Pvc Priority Assignments - Enterasys VHSIM2-A6DP User Manual

Enterasys networks network adapter user's guide vhsim2-a6dp
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Adding Traffic Management PVC Priority Assignments

To add an entry to the PVC Priority Assignments, perform the following steps:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the PVC Vport field. Choose the PVC Vport desired by either
pressing the SPACE bar, the BACKSPACE key, or by entering the number of the Virtual Port
you wish to display. Press ENTER to continue to the next field.
NOTE: Only an existing Virtual Port can be chosen for modification. If creating a new
Virtual Port, the user can only configure the current "New Vport:N" displayed. A user can
not select a vport # for a new vport.
2. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Number of Virtual Queues field. Use the SPACE bar,
BACKSPACE key, or type the number of queues desired. The user will have the option of
creating up to 8 virtual queues per Virtual Port (virtual queue 0 - 7). If the user enters a value
larger than the number of queues supported on the platform then a message stating the number
of queues supported is displayed across the top of the screen, and the previously displayed
queue count is re-displayed. As the number of virtual queues is increased or decreased, it will
cause the number of queues displayed in the table below to change accordingly. The field is one
based for the users ease of reference, but the number of queues displayed in the table and in the
mib are zero based. For example, if the user is on a new Virtual Port and enters 3 into the
number of virtual queue field, virtual queues 0-2 will appear in the table below with no PVCs
configured and default profile indexes of 1 for each queue.
3. The AAL Type field may be skipped over with no change. It will always be 5.
4. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Encapsulation Type field and press the SPACE bar to
toggle to the appropriate Encapsulation Type. Either VC Mux 802.3 Bdg or LLC Encapsulated
can be chosen.
NOTE: Since encapsulation is set per Virtual Port, all PVCs on a particular Virtual Port
must have the same type of encapsulation.
5. Use the arrow keys to highlight the VPI field and enter 0 or 1, or an error message will be
displayed. If the VPI field is left blank, it defaults to the value of zero.
Traffic Management PVC Priority Assignments
Local Management


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