Sampling In Sequencer Mode; In-Track Sampling - Korg NAUTILUS 61 AT Operation Manual

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Sampling (Open Sampling System)

Sampling in SEQUENCER mode

In SEQUENCER mode, you can sample just like in
PROGRAM and COMBINATION modes, but there's an
additional option unique to SEQUENCER mode: In-Track

In-Track Sampling

In this example, we'll show the sound of a guitar connected
to the Audio Input 1 jack can be added to your song.
1. In SEQUENCER mode, select the song to which you
want to add the guitar sound.
You can either create a song, or use MEDIA mode to load
a previously-created song.
2. Connect your guitar to the rear panel Audio Input 1
By using the Analog Input Setup dialog (SHIFT and
AUDIO IN buttons), select the LINE position, and set the
Analog Input Gain at about the center.
If you connect a guitar with passive pickups (i.e., a guitar
that does not contain a preamp), you will be unable to
sample it at the correct level because of the impedance
mismatch. Such guitars should be routed through a
preamp or an effect unit.
3. Go to the SEQUENCER > Home– Sampling page.
4. We will be modifying the Audio Input settings, so turn
the Input "Use Global Setting" off.
5. Choose the Auto HDR/Sampling Setup page menu
The dialog box will appear.
6. Choose "In-Track Sampling."
7. Make the following settings for "In-Track Sampling."
Source Audio: Audio Input 1/2
The input from the Audio Input 1 and 2 jacks will be
Mono–L/Mono–R/Stereo: L-Mono
The sound will be sampled in mono.
To: as desired
The track you want to use for In-Track Sampling. MIDI
In-Track Sampling lets you sample an audio source that's
being played along with the song. During the sampling
process, the system will automatically create a Program to
hold the new sample, and MIDI notes to play it in sync with
the song. You might use this to record a vocal or guitar part,
for instance.
note data to trigger the sample will be recorded in the
track you selected.
Program: as desired
The convert-destination program number. When
sampling is completed, a new multisample will be
automatically created, converted to a program, and
assigned as the program for the track.
8. Press the OK button to execute the command.
Preparations for In-Track Sampling are now completed.
Let's take a look at the settings that were made.
– Audio Input –
Audio In: On
Bus Select: Off
Pan: L000
Level: 127
REC Bus: 1/2
The input from Audio Input 1 will be sent to REC bus.
Recording Level: 0.0
This is the default setting for sampling.
– Sampling Setup –
Source Bus: REC 1/2
The sound sent to REC 1/2 bus will be sampled.
Trigger: Sampling START Button
Press the SAMPLING REC button to enter record-
standby mode. Then press the SAMPLING
START/STOP button to start sampling.
Save to: RAM
The sample will be recorded to RAM memory.
Mode: L-Mono
The sound of the internal left channel will be sampled in
9. For this example, change the settings as follows.
Pan: C064
"Trigger": Threshold, "Threshold Level": as desired
"Sample Time": as desired
10.Play your guitar at the volume that you will be
If the display indicates "ADC OVERLOAD !" (AD
converter input overload), adjust the Analog Input Gain
level appropriately by using the Analog Input Setup
dialog (SHIFT and AUDIO IN buttons).
For the best sound, adjust the level as high as possible
without allowing the "ADC OVERLOAD !" indication to


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