Determining When To Stop A Test; Choosing A Test Method; The Advanced Test Method; Saved Test Methods - Ametek mocon OX-TRAN 2/28 H Operator's Manual

Oxygen transmission rate system
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OX-TRAN Model 2/28 Operator's Manual
Some barrier materials may take a long time to reach equilibrium, a conditioning period offers two
advantages when performing a test:
It prevents unnecessary exposure of the Permeant sensor to oxygen, thus extending the life
of the sensor.
It limits the number of transmission rate values that appear on a printed report.
The amount of time in hours that the sample is conditioned can be specified. After the specified conditioning
period the system will automatically begin testing.

Determining When to Stop a Test

The setting used for the "Test Mode" parameter determines how and when a transmission rate test is
stopped (Test Completion). Four different methods of stopping a transmission rate test are provided. The
four methods are: "Continuous", "Standard", "Convergence By Cycles" and "Convergence By Hours".
The Continuous mode executes until manually stopped by an operator. The Standard mode executes for
the number of cell examination cycles specified by the "Number of Cycles" parameter. The Convergence
modes execute until equilibrium is achieved as defined by the convergence parameters.
Unless the characteristics of the test sample are well understood, the continuous mode should be used. If
the test is stopped prematurely the transmission rate reported will not reflect the true transmission rate for
the material. For more detailed information on the "Test Mode" parameter see the Instrument Help system.

Choosing a Test Method

There are three different ways to specify how a permeation test is to be performed. These "Test Methods"
are described briefly in the following section. For more detailed information see the Instrument Help system.

The Advanced Test Method

The Advanced Test Method allows the user to specify all of the parameters and conditions used to
perform a permeation test. An Advanced Test Method allows the most flexibility in determining how
a permeation test will be executed. The Advanced Test method also allows Test Sequencing.

Saved Test Methods

Revision J
Preparing for a Test


Table of Contents

Table of Contents