VIA Technologies A7F129 Manual page 75

Table of Contents


Boot Up Numlock Status: If set to Off, the cursor controls will
function on the numeric keypad. The default setting is On.
Gate A20 Option: This option accesses memory above 1 MB using
the fast gate A20 line when set to Fast (default). The other option is
Typematic Rate Setting: If set to Enabled, enables you to set the
Typematic Rate and Typematic Delay. The default setting is Dis-
Security Option: This setting controls the password feature. The op-
tions are Setup and System. Selecting Setup will protect the
configuration settings from being tampered with. Select System if
you want to use the password feature every time the system boots up.
The default setting is Setup. You can create your password by using
the SUPERVISOR/USER PASSWORD utility in the main program
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB: Set to OS2 if the system memory
size is greater than 64 MB and the operating system is OS/2. The de-
fault setting is Non-OS2.
Video BIOS Shadow: When set to Enabled (default), copies the
VGA BIOS into system DRAM.
C8000-CBFFF Shadow to DC000-DFFFF Shadow: When set to
Enable, the ROM with the specified address is copied into system
DRAM. It will also reduce the size of memory available to the sys-
tem. The default setting for the shadow feature is Disabled.
After you have made your selections in the BIOS Features Setup
screen, press <ESC> to go back to the main screen.
Advanced BIOS Features
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec): This setting controls the
speed at which the system registers repeated keystrokes.
The choices range from 6 to 30 Chars/Sec. The default set-
ting is 6 Chars/Sec.
Typematic Delay (Msec): This setting controls the time
between the display of the first and second characters.
There are four delay choices: 250ms, 500ms, 750ms and
1000ms. The default setting is 250 ms.
KM/KL Mainboard BIOS


Table of Contents

Table of Contents