Analog Demodulation Measurement Application - Keysight M9290A Manual

Cxa-m pxie signal analyzer
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Analog Demod ulation Measurement Application
This chapter contains specifications for the N9063A Analog Demodulation Measurement Application.
Add itional Definitions and Requirements
The warranted specifications shown apply to Band 0 operation (up to 3.0 GHz), unless otherwise noted, for
all analyzer's. The application functions, with nominal (non-warranted) performance, at any frequency
within the frequency range set by the analyzer frequency options (see table). In practice, the lowest and
highest frequency of operation may be further limited by AC coupling; by "folding" near 0 Hz; by DC
feedthrough; and by Channel BW needed. Phase noise and residual FM generally increase in higher bands.
Warranted specifications shown apply when Channel BW  1 MHz, unless otherwise noted. (Channel BW is
an important user-settable control.) The application functions, with nominal (non-warranted) performance,
at any Channel BW up to the analyzer's bandwidth options (see table). The Channel BW required for a
measurement depends on: the type of modulation (AM, FM, PM); the rate of modulation; the modulation
depth or deviation; and the spectral contents (e.g. harmonics) of the modulating tone.
Many specs require that the Channel BW control is optimized; neither too narrow nor too wide.
Many warranted specifications (rate, distortion) apply only in the case of a single, sinusoidal modulating
tone; without excessive harmonics, non-harmonics, spurs, or noise. Harmonics, which are included in most
distortion results, are counted up to the 10th harmonic of the dominant tone, or as limited by SINAD BW or
post-demod filters. Note that SINAD will include Carrier Frequency Error (the "DC term") in FM by default;
it can be eliminated with a HPF or Auto Carrier Frequency feature.
Warranted specifications apply to results of the software application; the hardware demodulator driving the
Analog Out line is described separately.
Warranted specifications apply over an operating temperature range of 20 to 30°C; and mixer level –24 to
–18 dBm (mixer level = Input power level – Attenuation). Additional conditions are listed at the beginning of
the FM, AM, and PM sections, in specification tables, or in footnotes.
Refer to the footnote for
"Definitions of terms used in this chapter" on page 80


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