Getlocalbandwidth - JDS Uniphase SWS15100 User Manual

Swept wavelength systems
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The getLocalBandwidth function calculates the bandwidth of the largest peak
that is contained in the pPowData power array, within a specified wavelength
range. Call this function only after obtaining the pPowData array through a call
to the getILTrace function. The characteristics of the peak as refpeak,
interLevel, and baseref must be filled by the caller.
C prototype
int getLocalBandwidth(double *pLamData, double *pPowData, unsigned short
dataSize, double dStartWave, double dStopWave, unsigned short refpeak,
double interLevel, unsigned short baseRef, double *pBandwidth );
VB prototype
Declare Function getLocalBandwidth Lib "SWS15100" (ByRef pLamData As
Double, ByRef pPowData As Double, ByVal dataSize%, ByVal dStartWave As
Double, ByVal dStopWave As Double, ByVal refPeak%, ByVal InterLevel As
Double, ByVal baseRef%, ByRef pBandwidth As Double) As Long
double *pLamData:
The pLamData array stores wavelength points of the trace.
double *pPowData:
The pPowData array stores IL power level (dB scale) points. Each point from
the pPowData array has a corresponding point in the pLamData array.
unsigned short dataSize:
This is the size of arrays pLamData and pPowData allocated by the user and
is the size of the acquired trace returned by the function getDataSize.
double dStartWave:
This specifies the wavelength at which to start processing.
double dStopWave:
This specifies the wavelength at which to stop processing.
unsigned short refpeak:
This is an integer type that has the following set of values: {MAX_PEAK_REF =
0, MIN_PEAK_REF = 1}.
double interLevel:
The interpolation level is the height from the peak where the bandwidth is
unsigned short baseRef::
This is Boolean. For minimum peaks, the baseRef is 1 and the bandwidth of
the peak is calculated from the base of the peak. For maximum peaks, the
baseRef is 0 and the bandwidth is calculated from the peak.
double *pBandwidth:
The pBandwidth stores the bandwidth of the peak within the wavelengths
dStartWave and dStopWave.
Return Value
When there is no error, the function returns zero.
When there is an error, the return value contains the error number.
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