General DataComm SpectraComm V.34 Installation & Operation Manual page 96

Dual modem
Table of Contents


AT Command Set Operation
S-Registers (Continued)
S n
Carrier loss
S-Registers (continued)
Esc code guard
Test mode
DTR delay
RTS-to-CTS delay
Hang-up delay
Priv line down
Priv line lookback
Call failure OOS
Controls the S-Registers which store values for functions that are not often changed.
Stores and determines how many tenths of a second (1 to 254) the remote carrier
signal must be lost before the local modem disconnects. The delay permits the
carrier to disappear momentarily without causing the modem to hang up. A value of
255 disables disconnect.
The modem will recognizes a carrier after the interval specified in
the value of
is less than the value of
will cause a disconnect. When the modem is in half-duplex asynchronous mode, the
value stored in
Controls the S-Registers which store values for functions that are not often changed.
Determines how many 50ths of a second (1-255) the modem will use to recognize a
valid escape sequence in the data stream. A sequence of three consecutive escape
code characters (
) must occur within the specified interval to be detected by the
modem. Once detected, the modem will switch from data mode to command mode.
User-defined value not saved after powerup/reset. Default is 50 (1.00 second).
Determines how many 10-second intervals (0-60) must occur before an automatically
timed test will run. A value of 0 allows no timeout - tests run until ended manually.
The default is 0.
When the modem is configured for asynchronous Operating Mode (
sets the delay for DTR in hundredths of a second (0 to 255). This is the interval used
to debounce the DTR signal. The default is 5 (0.05 second).
When the modem is configured for synchronous Operating Mode (
asynchronous Command Format (
interval (0-255 seconds) for the operator to switch the EIA cable from asynchronous
to synchronous equipment. The default is 5 seconds. After the whole-second timer
expires, the register is then used to debounce the DTR signal, as above. The same
number, stored in the register, is applied to both the whole-second and hundredth-of-
a-second counts.
Stores and determines how many milliseconds of delay (0-255) there will be between
RTS and CTS. The default value is 0.
Stores and determines the maximum delay in seconds (0-255) between a command
to the modem to hang up and the disconnect operation. With a value between 0 and
254, the modem will wait up to that number of seconds for the remote modem to
acknowledge receipt of all data buffers before hanging up. With a value of 255, the
modem does not time-out, and continues to attempt to deliver data in the buffers until
the connection is lost, or the data is delivered. The default is 20.
If the modem is configured to follow the DTR signal, an On-to-Off transition acts as a
command to hang up. This register is useful for error-control and speed-buffering
communications to ensure that data in the modem buffers is sent before the
connection is terminated. If all data is transmitted prior to the timeout, the response to
command will be
Stores and determines how many minutes (1-255) the modem will continue private
line retrains before it attempts a switched network connection. A value of 0 disables
the timer. Refer also to the Auto Dial Restoral feature description.
Stores and determines how many 10-minute intervals (1-255) the modem will
operate in switched network mode before it automatically attempts to return to private
line mode. A value of 0 disables the timer and prevents the modem from
automatically returning to the private line. Refer also to the Auto Dial Restoral feature
Only enabled in the modem by special arrangement between the customer and GDC.
Sets how many consecutive failed calls (3-15) must occur before the modem will take
itself out of service by presenting a busy signal on the telephone line.
SpectraComm Dual V.34 Modem
Installation and Operation
AT Command Reference Tables
, even a momentary loss of carrier
is ignored.
), this value is used to initially set the
. If the timeout occurs before all data can be sent, the
result code will be sent, indicating data has been lost.
. Therefore, if
), this value
) and an
Issue 15


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