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Elrepho 3000
specular component excluded. The light source used is a long-life
Xenon flash lamp.
An automated filter wheel provides for measuring whiteness,
brightness and other fluorescent phenomenon. It includes cutoff
filters for 400nm (UVEXC), 420nm (UV420) and 460nm (UV460).
The 400nm UV filter can be used as a variable UV filter (UVCAL)
to provide the correct UV illumination required to perform
whiteness measurements. Measurements can also be made with full
UV inclusion (UVINC).
The collection optics consist of lenses and fiber optics on both the
sample and reference channels. The sample channel uses a
motorized zoom lens that can be set for measurement diameters of
2.5mm (USAV), 5mm (SAV) and 29mm (XLAV). The reference
channel lens is fixed and collects light from the sphere wall. The
use of a reference beam allows differential measurements that
minimize drift and improve instrument stability.
The analyzer (MC90) is a dual-channel holographic grating based
spectrometer using two custom photodiode arrays (128 diodes
each); one for the sample channel and one for the reference channel.
Reflectance data is measured at 3nm intervals and reported in 10nm
intervals from 400 to 700nm.
Instrument Overview

Sample Viewing

The sample viewer (flashlamp automatically disabled), located just
below the LCD display screen, offers a way of viewing your sample
for accurate positioning. The viewer can be closed using the manual
red viewer shutter to the right of the viewer.
Datacolor International

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