About Cd-Rom; Introduction Of Docomo Keitai Datalink - Foma P906i Instruction Manual

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About CD-ROM

The provided CD-ROM contains the software programs for using data
communication on your FOMA phone, "Manual for PC Connection" and
"Kuten Code List" (PDF file). For details, refer to the provided CD-ROM.
<Contained software programs/PDF>
・FOMA通信設定ファイル (FOMA Communication Setup Files)
・FOMA PC設定ソフト (FOMA PC Setup Software)
・FOMAバイトカウンタ (FOMA byte counter)
・ドコモケータイdatalinkのご案内 (DoCoMo keitai datalink information)
・iモード.net 新着確認ツールのご案内 (i-mode.net notifier information)
・FirstPass PCソフト (FirstPass PC Software)
・mopera Uのご案内 (mopera Uかんたんスタート/U かんたん接続設定ソフト/
FOMAバイトカウンタ/U オリジナルデータ取得ソフト)
[mopera U information (mopera U start up tool/mopera U connection & setting tool/
FOMA byte counter/mopera U requesting original data)]
のご案内 (Napster
・PDF version of "パソコン接続マニュアル"/"Manual for PC Connection"
・PDF version of "区点コード一覧"/"Kuten Code List"
When a warning message appears
When you set the CD-ROM on your personal computer, an alert message might appear
on the display as shown below. This alert message appears depending on the security
settings of Internet Explorer, however, you can use your computer without any problem.
Click "はい (YES)".
※The display below is for when you use Windows XP.
It might differ depending on the environment of the computer you use.

Introduction of DoCoMo Keitai Datalink

"DoCoMo keitai datalink" is the software program that enables you to
back up your Phonebook entries, i-mode mail messages and others to
your personal computer and edit them. The software program is
distributed from the DoCoMo web page. For details and how to
download, refer to the web page below. You can access the web page
below from the provided CD-ROM as well.
http://datalink.nttdocomo.co.jp/ (Japanese only)
≥For details on how to download, transferable data, operating environments such as
compatible OS, installation method, operating method, and restrictions, refer to the
web page above. For operations after installation, refer to Help contained in the
software program. To use the DoCoMo keitai datalink, you need to separately have the
USB Cable (option).


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