Sending/Receiving One Or Multiple Data Files; Sending/Receiving All Data Files - Foma P906i Instruction Manual

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Sending/Receiving One or Multiple Data
You can send/receive the data files one by one using infrared rays.
You can send/receive multiple still images, moving images, and ToruCa
files at a time.
■Notes on sending/receiving
≥In Secret Mode, you can send secret data as well. However, in Secret Data Only, you
can send only the secret data.
≥If you receive a Phonebook entry stored as secret data during Secret Mode or Secret
Data Only, the Phonebook entry is stored as an ordinary one.
≥When sending a Phonebook entry, you cannot send the stored secret code and voice
dial entry.
Send One or Multiple Data Files
Display of the data file to be sent1i(
1Send Ir data
≥To send a Phonebook entry, select "Send Ir data" from the Function menu and
select "Send phonebook".
≥To send a mail message, ToruCa file or bookmark, select "Ir/
from the Function menu and select "Send Ir data".
≥To send multiple files, select the files you want to send by "Multiple-choice". Press
) to select "Send Ir data".
≥To send multiple files, select "YES" by a factor of selected number of files, and
send them.
Receive One or Multiple Data Files
m1LifeKit1Receive Ir data
≥You can paste the Ir data receiving function to the desktop. (See page 127)
≥When you receive Phonebook entries in which phone numbers are stored, the
confirmation display appears asking whether to store them also in the PushTalk
≥The confirmation display appears asking whether to continue receiving after
receiving one data file. When you received multiple files, select "YES".
≥When you receive an instruction for starting a software program, and you have
already downloaded a compatible software program, that software program starts. If
you have not put a check mark for "Ir iαppli To" of "Set iαppli To", the software
program does not start up automatically.

Sending/Receiving All Data Files

You can send/receive the following data files all at once using infrared
rays: the Phonebook entries, schedule events, ToDo items, text memos,
bookmarks, mail messages, ToruCa files, and LCS client information.
To send all data files, enter a session number (any four-digit number).
The receiving end needs to enter the same session number.
■Notes on sending/receiving all data files
≥Receiving all data files deletes all data you have stored including the secret data and
protected data, and the received data overwrites the existing data. The data you have
stored in "Secret mode" is deleted as well. Check that no important data is stored
before receiving all data files.
≥If you send all Phonebook entries, the "Own number" data is also sent. All the data of
"Own number" at the receiving end is overwritten except the own number. Mail address
is also overwritten by sender's address, so change it at the receiving end.
≥If you send all Phonebook entries, PushTalk Phonebook entries are also sent.
Information of voice dial entries are not sent.
≥The Phonebook entries stored as secret data are sent not only during Secret Mode but
also any other time. The sent secret data is stored as secret data at the receiving end,
≥The group names in the Phonebook you have received are stored, so the data set in
"Group setting" is also overwritten.
≥Note that the schedule events at the receiving end are all deleted if you send all ToDo
items to the phone that does not support ToDo.
≥You can send/receive the protected sent/received mail messages.


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