Roland V-Mixer VM-3100 Owner's Manual page 89

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VM-3100 List of Algoriyhms
ALT (Alternate)
The left and right output of this alternate delay is the reverse
of the input.
Time [Time]1 -
1200 msec
This sets the delay time, that is, the elapsed time between the
source sound and the delay sound. When in mono or stereo
mode, the settings value is limited to the range allowed by
the left-right shift settings. In alternate mode, this is limited
to 1-600 milliseconds.
L-R Shift [Shift] (L-R Time Shift)
L1199 - R1199 msec
This shifts the location from where the sound appears to
originate by increasing the delay sound only on the left or the
right. Depending on the time setting, settings values may be
limited. This is disabled in alternate mode.
L-R Order [Order]L>>R, L<<R
In alternate mode, this setting determines which side plays
the delay sound before the other (with L>>R, the left side is
expressed first; when set to L<<R, the right side is expressed
first). This is enabled only in alternate mode.
Feedback [FB Lv] (Feedback Level)O - 100
This sets the times for the repeated delay sound. When set to
0, each delayed sound is played only once.
FX Level [EffLv]O - 100
This sets the volume of the delayed sound. When using the
insert method, first get a rough balance between the reverb
and the dry sounds, then lower the level a little.
Dry Level [DryLv]O - 100
This sets the volume of the source sound. Set this to 0 when
using the send /return method. Increase the value when
using the insert method to mix the source sound into the
LoDamp Freq [LDFrq] (Low Damp Frequency)
50 ~ 4000 Hz
The Low Damp effect rapidly dampens the low frequency
range of the delayed sound, resulting in a cleaner delay
effect. This sets the upper frequency limiting the range to be
LoDampGain [LD-G] (Low Damp Gain)
-36 - OdB
This sets the amount of the Low Damp effect.
HiDampFreq [HDFrq] (High Damp Frequency)
1.0 - 20.0 kHz
In the natural world, the high frequencies die out very
quickly. By attenuating the higher frequencies first, High
Damp makes the delay sound more natural. This sets the
lower frequency limiting the range to be dampened.
HiDampGain [HD-G] (High Damp Gain)
-36 - 0 dB
This sets the amount of the High Damp effect.
These parameters are the same as those in the GATE in
Algorithm 01 (REVERB & GATE) (p.10).
Mode [Mode] (Gate Mode)GATE, DUCK
Threshold [Thre] (Threshold Level)0 — 100
Attack [Atk] (Attack Time)0 — 100
Hold [Hold] (Hold Time)0 — 100
Release [Rele] (Release Time)0 — 100
This is a multi-effects for vocals,
_ Limiter
This suppresses noise (such as background noise and hum
from mics) at times when no sound is being played. The
noise suppressor looks at the input level at the beginning of
the effects chain, and when there is no input, suppresses any
output at the end.
Threshold [Thre] (Threshold Level)O ~ 100
This sets the volume level at which starts muting. Set the
value higher when there is a lot of noise, and if there is less
noise, decrease the value.
Release [Rele] (Release Time)O - 100
This sets the time from when the noise suppression starts to
the point where the volume reaches 0.
This effect is lost If the threshold level is set too low, while
setting it too high mutes even the sounds you want to hear.
Furthermore, if the release time is set too long, the noise
suppression then becomes distracting; when set too short, it


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