GMC 1989 Light Duty Truck Repair Manual page 3

Unit repair manual
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This m anual includes p ro ced ures involved in d isa ssem b ly and a ssem bly of c o m p o ­
nents listed in the " T able of C o n te n ts ."
T his m anual should be kept in a h an dy place fo r ready reference. If p ro pe rly used, it
will m eet the needs o f te c h n ic ia n s and ve hicle ow ners.
These vehicles contain som e parts d im en sion ed in the m etric system as well as in the
custom ary system . Som e fa ste ne rs are m etric and are ve ry close in d im ension to fa m il­
iar custom ary fa ste ne rs in the inch system . It is im p o rta n t to note that, d urin g any vehicle
m aintenance pro ced ures, rep la ce m e nt fa ste ne rs m ust have the sam e m easurem ents
and strength as th ose rem oved, w h e th e r m etric o r custom ary. (N um bers on the heads of
m etric bolts and on su rfa ces of m etric nuts ind icate th e ir stren gth. C ustom ary bolts use
radial lines for th is purpose, w hile m ost cu sto m a ry nuts do not have strength m arkings.)
M ism atched or in co rre ct fa ste ne rs can result in ve hicle dam age or m alfunction, or
possibly personal injury. T he refo re , fa ste ne rs rem oved from the vehicle should be
saved fo r re-use in the sam e location w he ne ver possible. W here the fasteners are not
sa tisfactory for re-use, care should be taken to se le ct a rep la ce m e nt th at m atches the
original. For inform a tion and assistance, see yo ur auth orized dealer.
No part of th is pub lica tion m ay be reproduced, stored in
any retrieval system or tran sm itte d , in any form or by any
m eans, inclu ding but not lim ited to e le ctron ic, m ech an i­
cal, p ho toco p yin g, reco rd ing or otherw ise, w ith o u t the
prior w ritten perm ission of the G M C T ru ck D ivision of
G eneral M otors C orp. T his includes all text, illustrations,
tables and charts.
General Motors Corporation
Pontiac, Michigan

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