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Please read and become familiar with each of the following definitions. Each term is used repeatedly in the
following operational procedures to avoid any possible confusion as to the intent of any particular instruction.
ACTIVE CHANNEL - Any channel with a connected handpiece.
AUTOMATIC POWER DOWN - Feature which turns off power to all three channels 90 minutes after all Active
Channels have entered Temperature Setback.
AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE SETBACK - System feature which, when enabled, will independently set back
each channel's SET TIP Temperature to 180°C (350°F) after a user selected period of handpiece inactivity (10 to 90
minutes settable in 10 minute increments). This feature is enabled in the "CAL" Mode.
CALIBRATION (CAL) MODE - Mode of operation (indicated by "CAL" on the Digital Readout) in which the
operator can quickly and easily recalibrate the system to insure accuracy and peak performance.
CURRENT CHANNEL - The channel whose temperature information may be set and displayed on the Digital
Readout. The Current Channel is indicated by an illuminated LED next to its designation.
INACTIVE CHANNEL - Any channel without a connected handpiece.
SET TIP TEMPERATURE - Operator selected idle tip temperature entered into the system memory in Tip Set Mode
for handpiece/tip combination connected to Current Channel.
TEMPERATURE DISPLAY MODE - Normal operating mode in which the true operating tip temperature of the
handpiece/tip connected to the Current Channel is displayed on the Digital Readout.
TIP OFFSET CONSTANT - Specific value for a given handpiece/tip combination upon which the system
automatically calculates the correct Tip Temperature Offset at the entered Set Tip Temperature.
TIP TEMPERATURE OFFSET - Temperature value difference between the point in the handpiece heater assembly
at which temperature is sensed and the working end of the attached tip.
TIP OFFSET MODE - Mode of operation in which the Current Channel's Tip Offset Constant value can be viewed
or altered. In this mode, the Tip Offset LED flashes and the stored value appears on the Digital Readout.
TIP SET Mode - Mode of operation in which the Current Channel's Set Tip Temperature can be viewed or altered.
In this mode, the Tip Set LED flashes and the stored value appears on the Digital Readout.
OPERATING TIP TEMPERATURE - The true tip temperature at which the handpiece tip operates at any given
time. This temperature is displayed on the Digital Readout in Temperature Display Mode (normal operation) for the
Current Channel.
As with any system, Set and Operating Tip Temperatures are only exactly equal
when the handpiece is idling (unloaded at equilibrium) During use, (i.e., under load)
the Operating Tip Temperature will usually be lower.


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