Periodical; On Boot; Ir Cut Filter - Beward N37210 Owner's Manual

Outdoor high-quality 2-megapixel ip camera
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Only one digital input is available in this camera model. [Digital Input1] item has the
following parameters:
Active: an action executes when digital input status corresponds to the normal status.
Inactive: an action executes when digital input status is opposite to the normal status.
Change: an action executes by any changing of the digital input status. Periodical

Periodical: the action is executed periodically according to specified time period (Pic.
When selecting this type the following settings are available.
Trigger Every Other: specify a time interval in hours and minutes. The action will be
repeated by the end of this interval. On boot

On boot: the action is executed when the camera is loaded after turning on. By selecting
this event type you can notice the number of camera reboots. IR Cut Filter

If you choose this event type (Pic. 11.34) you will get a notification every time when the
camera's [Day/Night] modes will change. It can be useful if you need to know the moment when it
is getting dark or it is dawning, or when illumination is turning on/off. The [IR Cut Filter Mode]
should be switched to [Auto] (please, see paragraph 9.1.3).
After selecting this event type the following settings are available:
Set min time interval between triggers: when this time interval ends, the alarm event can
be restarted. The values from 1 to 999 seconds are available.
IR Cut Filter Mode: allows setting the specific moment of event triggering.
Night Mode: an event triggers when a camera goes to [Night] mode.
N37210 Operations User Manual
Chapter 11. The [SETTING] Menu: Event
Pic. 11.33
Pic. 11.34


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