MCi MC8 Crusader Maintenance Manual page 298

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l. Power Steering Oil Level Sight
2. Power Steering Gear Box
Figure ll-4A: Power Steering Gear
Box lnstal led
OTHER PAR TS: Check the steering arm balls and
splines in the arm. Make a general inspection of all
external parts.
Cleanliness is very important. Use solvent or
vola~ile mineral spirits to clean and w'.1sh grease, oil,
or dHt from all metal parts of the steenng gear. Clean
machined parts individually to avoid damage due to
"bumping" together of parts. Use lint free cloths, dip-
ped in the cleaning agent, to clean all machined sur-
faces. After parts are cleaned, dry the parts, except
bearings, with dry compressed air. Cleaning solvents
or volatile mineral spirits will deteriorate rubber
Refer to Figure 11 - 3: Replace all gaskets and
seals. If needle bearings (4) in housing
and end
cover (20) have been removed, replace them. Assem-
ble cam (6) in housing (1) and with gasket (22) in
place, assemble end cover (20) to the housing. Make
sure. the cam rotates and oscillates freely in the
bearings. Assemble gasket (28) on top of housing.
Assemble the actuator assembly on the cam stud
shafts and adjust.
First ensure that the threads of the nut and cam
shaft are free of interference by running the nut on to
the cam shaft using only the fingers to drive the nut.
If the nut cannot be driven all the way with finger
torque, the threads are fouled and must be cleared
with a thread file, wire brush or other means until the
nut goes on freely.
Assemble spacer (7) over stub shaft and seat
against lower end of cam. Lubricate, then assemble
the followi!1g parts in order: thrust washer (8), needle
thrust beanng (9), thrust washer (8 ), centering washer
( 41 ), actuator ( I 3 ), springs (3 2) in actuator, centering
washer (31 ), thrust washer (8), needle bearing (9),
thrust washer (8), tongued washer (10), new lock-
washer (11 ), (with thirteen external lugs), and ad-
justing nut (12).
Adjust and pack the groove in the actuator with
semi-fluid grease. Assemble actuator housing (25)
over the actuator. Position the actuator housing for
location of valve mounting. Assemble retainer screw
and washer (26,27). Be sure that the screw engages
the horizontal slot in the actuator.
Assemble gaskets to the faces of the actuator
housing. Fasten locker cover (23) and actuator
housing (25) to gear housing
with long mounting
To assemble the push-pull adjuster in the lever
shaft place seat on adjuster stud making sure the
dished side contacts the underneath side of the hex
head of the stud. Place the adjuster stud, with seat in
place, into and through the retainer. Screw the plug
tight into retainer so that the adjuster stud is held
rigid. Screw the nut on the adjuster stud to within
I /8" of end face of the retainer.
Place the pronged washer on the adjuster stud with
the dished side to the nut. Screw the adjuster stud
assembly into lever shaft ( 14) and tighten against nut.
Be sure the long prong of the washer is in the slot on
the end of the lever shaft ( 14 ). Tighten the nut to 15
to 20 ft. lbs. torque. Lock the nut with the prong of
the washer that matches flat on one hex of the nut.
CAUTION: Do not use same prong twice. Replace
the washer to avoid using the same prong twice.
Back off the plug to permit rotation of the retainer
on the adjuster stud. End play may be none (zero) to
.003 ". Stake over the flange of the plug to lock the
plug to the slot in the retainer.
To assemble the side cover and lever shaft to the
housing, screw the retainer into side cover (17) until
the retainer extends 3/4" out of the side cover. Screw
retainer counter-clockwise. Screw lock nut on to
retainer but do not tighten. Place the side cover
gasket (19) on the face of the housing (1 ). Assemble
lever shaft (14) in housing
(l ).
Use care not to
damage oil seal (3) in the end of the housing trun-
nion. Engage the taper studs in the groove of cam (6).
Position the studs in the cam groove about two cam
turns off mid-position. Assemble the side cover to the
To adjust for backlash of taper studs in the cam
groove, place steering gear
in mid-position, as
outlined in "Centering Steering".
Screw the retainer into the side cover until a slight
drag is felt when turning the taper studs through the
high spot on the cam which is in the area of mid-
position of the gear. Back out (counter-clockwise) the
retainer approximately 1 /16 turn to barely eliminate
the slight drag over the high spot. Turn the cam from
extreme left turn to extreme right turn and reverse to


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