Measurement Traces (Signal Traces) - JUMO LOGOPRINT 500 Operating Manual

Printing recorder with text printing and led dot-matrix display
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Measurement traces (signal traces)

(plot area)
range (offset)
Peak value re-
In the factory setting, all the measurement traces are printed over the full chart
width. The parameters "zoom" and "presentation range" offer the possibility of
altering the print-out.
Zoom operation is used to record a section of the complete measurement
range in an enlargement. Zoom operation is activated by the parameter Con-
figuration level 1
The values to be entered for the start (ZOOM-START) and end (ZOOM-END)
are made in %, and can be calculated as follows:
---------------------------------------- -
Mg - Sa
---------------------------------------- -
Mk = smallest measurement to be recorded
Mg = largest measurement to be recorded
Sa = scaling start
Se = scaling end
The difference between start and end values must be at least 10%.
The selected input signal is a voltage in the range 0 — 10V, and the scaling is
set to the range 0 — 2000m/h. The section of the range from 500 — 1500m/h
is to be displayed.
----------------------------- ---------------------------- -
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
This parameter can be used to determine a range of the chart paper on which
the trace will be recorded. Either the complete chart paper width of 100 mm
can be used, or just a portion. In this way it can be arranged that all the chan-
nels are presented next to one another (strip recording). The presentation
range is activated by the parameter Configuration level 1
The printing recorder can acquire considerably more values than it can print.
At a chart speed of 20 mm/h, for instance, approximately only every 24th
measurement is recorded on the chart. The peak value recording function can
deal with this situation.
Peak value recording = OFF:
When the peak value recording is switched off, the latest value present at the
instant of printing is recorded on the chart.
Peak value recording = ON:
When the peak value recording is switched on, the minimum and maximum
measurements are stored internally between two lines which are to be printed.
3 Operation and visualisation
) 100 %
Mk - Sa
Se - Sa
) 100 %
Se - Sa
) 100 %
500m/h 0m/h
2000m/h 0m/h
) 100 %
1500m/h 0m/h
2000m/h 0m/h
25 %
75 %


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