Datasensing SH4 ADVANCED Product Reference Manual page 150

Safety light curtains
Table of Contents


Receiver (RX)
Unit receiving infrared beams, consisting of a set of optically-synchronized photo tran-
sistors. The receiving unit, combined with the emitting unit (installed in the opposite
position), generates an optical "curtain", i.e. the detecting area.
Response time
Maximum time between the occurrence of the event leading to the actuation of the
sensing device and the output signal switching devices (OSSD) achieving the OFF-state.
Restart interlocking device (=RESTART)
Device preventing machine automatic restart after sensor activation during a dangerous
phase of machine operating cycle, after a change of machine operating mode, and after
a variation in machine start control devices.
Probability of occurrence of an injury and severity of the injury itself.
Safe State
Operating state of ESPE when at least one beam is intercepted, OSSD LED lit RED in SLIM
light curtain. OSSD1 and OSSD2 are both switched OFF.
Safety light curtain
It is an active optoelectronic protective device (AOPD) including an integrated system
consisting of one or several emitting elements and one or several receiving elements
forming a detection area with a detecting capacity specified by the supplier.
Start interlocking device (= START)
Device preventing machine automatic start if the ESPE is live or the voltage is disabled
and enabled once again.
Test piece
Opaque object having a suitable size and used to test safety light curtain correct opera-
Type (of ESPE)
The Electro-sensitive Protective Equipment (ESPE) have different reactions in case of
faults or under different environmental conditions.
The classification and definition of the "type" (ex. type 2, type 4, according to EN 61496-
1: 2020) defines the minimum requirements needed for ESPE design, manufacturing
and testing.
Working point
Machine position where the material or semi finished product is worked.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents